Speaking to KP.RU, he explained that when you come into contact with nettles, the stinging hairs pierce the skin and inject a series of chemicals, causing a burning sensation and an allergic reaction.
The expert advises that if you get such a burn, remove, if possible, the “stuck” nettle hairs, if any, and rinse the burn with running water. And since the burn is caused by acid, it is well neutralized with alkali: the injured area can be washed with a weakly concentrated soda solution at the rate of 1-1.5 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water.
In case of increased sensitivity, it is also important to take an antihistamine and treat the burn site with a pharmacy gel or cream containing an antihistamine or hormonal active ingredient.
The dermatologist emphasizes that after a nettle burn it is unacceptable to smear the skin with cosmetic oils, ointments and creams. This is fraught with complications.
In addition, if the measures taken do not alleviate the condition and the swelling becomes extensive, it is advisable to consult a doctor.