It is known that bile is secreted in the body continuously. A situation often occurs when bile stagnates. Gastroenterologist Dilyara Lebedeva listed several simple rules that will help “disperse” it. The doctor drew attention to the fact that one of the main helpers in this case are fats.
“Bring fats back to your table,” the doctor urged on her Telegram channel, adding that the same oils and fatty foods are important for the absorption of vitamins.
Avoiding fatty foods has a detrimental effect on the body. The healthiest fats are found in unrefined vegetable oil, nuts, avocados and fish. But pork dishes, such as barbecue, are a test for the stomach and pancreas (especially if a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract). It is better to choose chicken, turkey or fish.
Doctors recommend drinking a glass of warm water before breakfast. It is important that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 50-55 degrees, as too much heat has a negative effect on the mucous membrane.
It is also recommended to add bitter herbs and spices to the diet to disperse bile. These are cilantro, arugula, celery, marjoram.
Dilyara Lebedeva also reminded that it is necessary to drink clean water throughout the day.
“So that your body does not feel thirsty and does not absorb moisture from all possible corners,” writes the doctor.
The method of “dispersing” bile should be agreed with the attending physician in case of gallstones, Dilyara Lebedeva stressed.
The doctor previously explained the benefits of drinking bone broth for the body. The dish strengthens joints and bones, heals the intestinal mucosa, helps to recover from poisoning and acute respiratory viral infections, and also improves the quality of skin and hair. In addition, one of the healthiest dishes, according to the doctor, is homemade soup with meatballs.
The specialist also pointed out contraindications to dishes based on bone broth.