The president of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, announced this Friday during the general meeting of shareholders that the entity will exceed the objectives contemplated within its 2022-2024 strategic plan, a factor that will boost its profitability goal after closing the year after year with a ROE of 13.2% and an accumulated ROTE in twelve months of 15.6%. “We are confident of improving our profitability objective that we set at the beginning of the plan for this year 2024 and, with this, increasing our capacity for shareholder remuneration,” explained the manager.
In this sense, the remuneration will rise from the 9,000 million expected to 12,000 million between dividend and share repurchase, with an improvement of 33% on the objective announced in the plan during the set of these three years and that the president has confirmed to shareholders after announcing it in the presentation of 2023 annual results last February. Thus, as he has pointed out, since the start of said plan until March 20, the profitability obtained by shareholders is equivalent to 119%. At the moment they have a plan to repurchase their own securities worth 500 million.
After briefly reviewing the results obtained in 2023, when they reaped a profit of more than 4,800 million, Goirigolzarri has anticipated that CaixaBank will reach one billion euros in business volume during this year, a figure close to the figure they left behind. get in 2023.