The Moshka educational platform has launched courses for video creators. The authors of the courses were Indar Dzhendubaev (“The Master and Margarita”, “Cheburashka”, “He is a Dragon”), Yuri Bykov (“Method”, “Crazy”), Denis Eldyshov (“Avatar-2”, “Transformers One”, TV series “The Lord of the Rings”) and other professionals from the film and media industry.
The project is aimed at everyone who works with content: bloggers, SMM specialists, journalists, media managers, video production creators, and aspiring filmmakers. The school’s teachers will be experts in directing, scriptwriting, cinematography, CGI graphics, and AI production – all of them will teach you how to create stunning and exciting videos.
Thus, the course on mobile videography is taught by Artur Mikheev, director, winner of the San Diego International Mobile Film Festival in 2021, co-founder of the PocketFilm online mobile video school, author of five books on video creation. At this time, the visual effects specialist, author of the graphics for the “Lord of the Rings” series, the films “Avatar 2”, “Transformers One”, Denis Eldyshov, will explain in the course how to create realistic textures.
The platform was created by Konstantin Kutuev, director and producer of the sports drama From the Bottom of the Top, and businessman Ivan Lebedev, who has shares in the dating app Twinby and the electric vehicle charging infrastructure service Portal Energy.
We remind you that students from the British College of Design have developed clothing for children with cerebral palsy. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Dobroserdie charity.