What is reproductive health and what affects it? What studies are included in the reproductive health evaluation? What does it take to check your reproductive health? What to do if you are rejected at the clinic?
In many countries, including Russia, the birth rate is declining. And the point is not that young people are spoiled and do not want to take responsibility for giving birth and raising children. Many people want to do it, but alas! I can’t. According to Rosstat, the frequency of infertile marriages in our country ranges from 17 to 24%, depending on the region. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15% is considered critical for the country’s demographic situation and we have already crossed that red line.
There are many reasons for the deterioration of reproductive health. This includes lifestyle: inactivity, bad habits, stress, etc., as well as various infections that were not detected or treated in time and, sometimes, congenital pathologies. Moreover, many of these diseases do not manifest themselves in any way: both partners believe that they are healthy, but it does not work with a child. The good news: modern medicine has learned to deal with many diseases and conditions; It is only important to find out what is wrong in the body and not delay in seeing a doctor and receiving treatment. Therefore, regular medical examinations can help take the first step in the right direction.
“Preventive medicine provided for by the state guarantee program, which is aimed at preventing diseases and early identification of risks, helps people maintain health and improve their quality of life. Therefore, increasing the volume of Preventive health care remains one of our priorities. Medical examinations help identify diseases in the early stages, when their treatment is most effective. In addition, preventive examinations allow us to evaluate the general state of health, identify risk factors and prevent possible diseases,” said Ilya Balanin. President of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
What is reproductive health and what affects it?
“Reproductive health is part of a person’s overall health, which implies physical, spiritual and social well-being. Currently, reproductive health is dealt with by doctors, psychologists and sociologists. In order for healthy babies to be born, every modern person should know “ How to maintain reproductive health,” highlights Nadezhda Grishina, member of the working group on the development of compulsory health insurance of the All-Russian Union of Insurers.
One of the main causes of infertility in both women and men is undiagnosed infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. According to statistics, in the structure of gynecological diseases, chronic inflammatory processes occupy the first place, and neoplasms of the uterine body occupy the second place: fibroids, adenomyosis, cervical ectopia, ovarian cysts, ovarian cystomas. All of this makes it difficult to conceive and have a healthy child.
But often difficulties with the birth of a child in a couple are associated with reproductive problems in men. Not everyone knows this, but, according to statistics, male and female infertility occurs approximately with the same frequency. Often a man does not even suspect that something is happening in his intimate sphere; He refuses to go to the doctor and get examined. But the current decline in male fertility rates is a global trend. It is important to know: male infertility often occurs due to diseases that are treatable and, once cured, reproductive function can be restored.
What studies are included in the reproductive health evaluation?
The first stage of the medical examination to assess reproductive health allows the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis, which can then be confirmed or refuted with the help of additional diagnostics, both instrumental and laboratory.
The first stage of the medical examination to evaluate a woman’s reproductive health includes:
1) examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist;
2) palpation of the mammary glands;
3) examination of the cervix with collection of material for research;
4) microscopic examination of vaginal smears;
5) cytological examination of a smear from the surface of the cervix and cervical canal;
6) at the age of 18-29 years: laboratory tests using smears to identify pathogens of infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
Reproductive screening includes a smear to check for infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Even imperceptible and asymptomatic inflammations and infections seriously affect the ability to conceive, have a child and give birth.
Cytological examination of cervical scrapings will be performed using Papanicolaou staining. “This test is used for early diagnosis of precancerous diseases and cervical cancer,” Mikhail Pushkov, advisor to the general director of the Capital-MS health insurance organization, told RG.
The first stage of the medical examination to assess men’s reproductive health includes:
– examination by a urologist (in his absence, by a surgeon trained in reproductive health issues in men).
There are cases in which adult men present pathologies directly related to the quality of reproductive function. For example, cryptorchidism (testicle not descended into the scrotum).
If doctors find any deviations from the norm, both men and women will be referred for additional examinations.
In the second stage of the medical examination, the following studies are carried out:
for women:
At the age of 30-49 years: laboratory tests of smears to identify pathogens of infectious diseases of the pelvic organs using the PCR method; Ultrasound of the pelvic organs at the beginning or middle of the menstrual cycle; Ultrasound of the mammary glands. ; Repeat examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist.
for men:
Spermogram; Microscopic examination of microflora or laboratory tests to identify pathogens of infectious diseases of the pelvic organs using the PCR method; Ultrasound of the prostate and scrotal organs; Repeated appointment (examination) with a urologist (or surgeon).
Pelvic ultrasound can detect many pathologies at an early stage in their development. An ultrasound of the pelvis clearly shows the size, position and condition of the organs. For example, in women, it is possible to track the thickness of the inner lining of the uterus and ovaries, the condition of the myometrium (uterine muscles), including the detection of fibroids, rough scars, polyps and many other pathologies that negatively affect the reproductive system. The role of this type of ultrasound in the primary diagnosis of cancer is enormous.
In men, ultrasound of the prostate and scrotal organs is no less important. As doctors note, the organs of the male reproductive system are very vulnerable. In addition to the fact that inflammation of the prostate is characterized by pain, it represents a threat of infertility. Therefore, men must be attentive to this area of their health. If at the first stage of the medical examination the doctor detects an enlarged prostate, he will prescribe an ultrasound for an accurate diagnosis.
“I would like to note that previously there were no spermograms for men as part of free medical examinations, but this is practically the only analysis that makes it possible to objectively assess the quantity and quality of seminal fluid. Using these data, the fertility of a man is determined. decided ”, emphasizes Mikhail Pushkov.
What do you need to control your reproductive health?
Reproductive health studies are carried out as part of a medical examination, free of charge and at the expense of compulsory health insurance, in the clinic to which the citizen is assigned.
To undergo a medical examination it is necessary:
1. Decide on a day that is convenient for you, agree on the date of visiting the clinic with your employer (on this day you can get release from work while maintaining your salary);
2. Call the clinic and/or the insurance representative of your insurance company, who has a compulsory health insurance policy, and agree on a time to visit the clinic;
3. Carry your compulsory health insurance policy and your passport;
4. To reduce the time of performing tests, it is better to come to the clinic in the morning without having breakfast (tests should be carried out on an empty stomach) and take the middle part of the morning urine sample, previously collected in home in a sterilized pharmacy container.
5. At the clinic, contact the reception or prevention room.
It’s important to know!
The lack of opportunities to assess reproductive health in the attachment clinic should not be an obstacle to its implementation.
“If it is impossible to carry out all the studies in one medical organization, the material must be collected there and then sent to another medical organization, including the federal one. And if the clinic does not have the necessary specialists (obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, properly trained surgeon ) “, the medical organization must attract the necessary doctors (including on the basis of visiting forms of work) and ensure that citizens are informed about the date and time of their appointment at least 3 working days before setting the date of the appointment. quote. ”says Mikhail Pushkov.
What to do if you are rejected at the clinic?
Compulsory health insurance experts remind you that if you have any difficulties during the medical examination, you should contact your health insurance organization. “If you are denied certain tests, cannot go to the right doctors, are not informed about the extent of necessary examinations, in any controversial case, contact your insurance company. An insurance representative will always provide assistance and make everything possible to solve your question,” Pushkov emphasizes.
The name of the insurance company appears on the compulsory health insurance policy. As a rule, contact details are also indicated there. You can also check them on the insurance company’s website.