Alexander Lukashenko recalled that at one point it was in the Shklov region that the country began to reform the countryside. And not because this is the small homeland of the head of state. “But because here I knew every role, every field and it was difficult to make fun of me, deceive me or not tell me anything,” he said.
It is time to consider the development of the Kupalovskoye agricultural holding with participation in the new integration structure of OJSC Aleksandriyskoye, CJSC ASB-Agro Gorodets and OJSC Shklov Butter Plant, which, by the way, are part of the management structure of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
As you know, the Aleksandriyskoye farm is the largest and most diversified enterprise in the region. Its feature is the presence of processing facilities, which, however, are due for modernization. In addition, the construction of a new milk processing plant is planned.
Another key task was the need to provide the livestock complex with its own feed and all the company’s processing facilities with guaranteed volumes of raw materials.
According to Lukashenko, there are currently commodity and raw material ties between the project participants, but each of them is focused solely on meeting their own needs. The option of combining them into a single integration structure – an agricultural complex, the area of which will be almost 43 thousand hectares, i.e. 59 percent of the area of agricultural organizations in the region, is being considered.
The new structure, if approved by the country’s leadership, is planned to be created in two stages. In the first stage, which will last until 2028, the Kupalovskoye agricultural holding will be subordinated to the presidential administration and will include Aleksandriyskoye, ASB-Agro Gorodets and the Shklov butter factory.
And then it is proposed to create a vertically integrated structure that will function as a single technological chain for the production and marketing of high value-added agro-industrial products.
The meeting also included discussions on resolving the issue of housing, ensuring staff at the farm complex and, in general, establishing order on all farms and increasing work efficiency, the agency said.