“Strength and speedy recovery to the injured. We pray,” he wrote on his Telegram channel.
According to the Ombudsman, the tragedy in the Moscow region affected many people. “In those moments it is important to know that help will surely arrive and not panic,” he emphasized.
Maria Lvova-Belova published on her network the most necessary contacts in such a misfortune.
“You can contact the following organizations for psychological support.
Hotlines for emergency psychological help
1. Hotline of the center for emergency psychological assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (24 hours a day)
+7 495 989-50-50
2. Emergency psychological help phone number of the Moscow City Council (from mobile)
8 (495) 051
3. Psychological helpline of the Russian Red Cross
4. Hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region
8 (498) 602-03-01 and 8 (498) 602-03-03
“Representatives of the relevant departments are working hard,” said the Ombudsman.