The price of new mortgages reaches a new record at the start of the year. The average interest rate on loans for housing closed January at 3.46%, compared to 3.32% in December, and is at its highest since 2014 after eight consecutive months of increases. This boost is mainly due to the fixed rate, which rises to 3.64%, while the variable rate rises to 3.24%, a figure to which is later added the Euribor, which in January was softened to 3.6% to begin with. To rebound later, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
The increase occurs in full slowdown of the mortgage firm, which plummets 10% year-on-year, to 33,128 operations, whose average import amounts to 138,149 euros, 2.7% less, and has twelve months of negative rates , although the fall was smaller than that recorded last December, when it reached 17%.