Vladimir Putin explained why we withdrew from the Ukrainian grain deal and spoke about the advantages of friendship with Russia.
Photo: Yulia PYKHALOVA
The Russia-Africa Forum began in St. Petersburg. Our diplomats managed to gather, as they say, almost everyone: representatives of 49 states from 54 countries of the Black Continent came to Russia (17 of them are senior officials). In addition, most will stay until Sunday and meet with the traditional naval parade.
It can be said that the entire continent was left without leadership for several days. Whether it’s a coincidence or not, then in Niger, just these days, the guards of the head of the country arrested their own president, Mohamed Bazoum. Although he was not going to St. Petersburg. But in vain, it would be more complete.
The Chairman of the African Union and at the same time the President of the Union of the Comoros, Azali Assoumani, condemned the coup d’état in Niger in a plenary session. And then he invited the two brotherly peoples, Russians and Ukrainians, to reconcile as soon as possible.
In the plenary session, Vladimir Putin was not distracted by the instability of African regimes, but immediately moved on to the main thing: he explained why we withdrew from the Ukrainian grain agreement and talked about the advantages of friendship with Russia.
– In fact, nothing happened that we discussed and what we were promised. None of the terms of the agreement concerning the withdrawal of Russian grain and fertilizer exports to world markets from sanctions were met. Well, someone doesn’t want Russia, as some say, to get rich, to direct money for military purposes. But this is a free transfer. No, they don’t, despite all the empty talk about wanting to help the poorest countries. Taking into account the aforementioned facts, we refuse to further extend this agreement,” the head of state said.
Representatives of 49 countries from 54 African countries came to Russia for the forum in St. Petersburg (17 of them are senior officials).
Photo: Yulia PYKHALOVA
The audience in the room was really interested in all this. After all, Africa is heavily dependent on food supplies and world cereal prices. Any crisis or volatility quickly turns into famine and the fall of regimes at the hands of a large disgruntled population.
In reality, one third of the total turnover between Russia and Africa is agricultural products. $6.7 billion from $18.
Photo: Yulia PYKHALOVA
Then Vladimir Vladimirovich assured the guests that we would not leave anyone without a piece of bread.
“We will be ready in the next three months to provide Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali, Somalia, the Central African Republic and Eritrea with 25-50 thousand tons of grain, we will also provide free delivery of these goods,” the head of state promised.
“We expect a record harvest again this year,” he added.
Putin said African politicians need not worry about the cessation of Ukrainian exports. First, less than 3 per cent was still being sent to poor countries. Secondly, we sell four times as much.
– Russia’s share of the world wheat market is 20%, Ukraine’s share is less than 5%. This means that it is Russia that makes a significant contribution to global food security and is a strong and responsible international supplier of agricultural products,” the president explained.
The free distribution of grain can be a good excuse to lift sanctions on our grain exports. It didn’t work through the Ukrainian agreement, but now almost the entire continent will be on our side. And if the EU tries to interfere with the transport of free food for millions of Africans, they will receive a storm of outrage from UN member states, which may strengthen our position in the international arena.
The President of Russia warmly welcomed the guests of the forum.
Photo: Yulia PYKHALOVA
In addition, Vladimir Vladimirovich said what we can offer, besides wheat:
* Agrotechnologies
– We are convinced that with the use of appropriate agricultural technologies and the proper organization of agricultural production, Africa in the future can not only feed itself, but also become an exporter of various types of food. And there will only be support from Russia,” Putin said.
To the lOver the years, Soviet and Russian specialists have designed and built large power centers in Angola, Egypt and Ethiopia with a capacity of 4.6 gigawatts. A quarter of Africa’s hydroelectric capacity! – the President recalled.
And now another 30 projects are being developed for 3.7 gigawatts. But the Russian leader did not stop only at hydroelectric power plants: he mentioned the growth of exports of petroleum products by 2.6 times in two years. And in Egypt, Rosatom is building a nuclear power plant.
– Our state corporation can provide African countries with its unique experience and have no analogues in the worldTechnologies in the field of non-energy use of the “peaceful atom”, for example, in medicine and agriculture, said the head of state.
Photo: Yulia PYKHALOVA
*Automotive industry
“Our industrial products, including cars, construction equipment, etc., are widely known on the continent and are in great demand, distinguished by good quality, reliability and ease of operation,” Vladimir Vladimirovich recalled why our Ladas and UAZ are loved in Africa.
– The traditional area of interaction is the training of qualified personnel. 35,000 students (10,000 are studying to become PhDs – Ed.) from Africa are studying at Russian universities. The training quota has increased 2.5-fold. 4700 people next school year. There are plans to open branches of leading Russian universities in Africa, the president announced.