clean coasts
In the Volgograd region there are more than three thousand bodies of water, including 200 rivers. This spring the network of hydraulic engineering facilities will be completed with four new culverts. This will help ensure optimal irrigation of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.
“By the beginning of the spring flood, the sewer system in the floodplain will have 64 objects. Its operation will help not only to control the required level of the river, but also to provide drinking water to residents of the Sredneakhtubinsky and Leninsky, “said the chairman of the regional committee for natural resources, Alexey Sivokoz.
The newspaper “Volgogradskaya Pravda” reports on the meeting of the Council of Municipal Heads of the Volgograd Regional Duma that took place on March 14. The use and protection of coastal areas of reservoirs during agricultural work, grazing and the construction of various structures was discussed. Alexey Sivokoz called on the municipalities of the region to actively monitor compliance with the coastal strip protection regime. And he recalled the importance of supervision of the activities of agricultural producers and serious fines for violating the Water Code of the Russian Federation. The president of the Regional Nature Protection Committee pointed out that every year the “Clean Shores” operation is carried out in the region. Last year, based on the results of 94 on-site inspections, 70 warnings were issued. At the meeting, it was recommended to strengthen the explanatory work with agricultural producers. And municipal leaders must immediately inform the Committee on Natural Resources, Forestry and Ecology, as well as the Committee on Agriculture and law enforcement agencies about identified violations.
Nitrates and nitrites will not pass!
On the right bank of Ulyanovsk, after reconstruction, the first stage of biological treatment facilities was put into operation. This will allow the region to significantly reduce the volume of untreated wastewater discharged into the Volga.
We updated primary and secondary settling tanks, scraper mechanisms and a blowing station, built a new electrical panel and installed an automatic technological process system. Now wastewater will be better purified from nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates and phosphorus.
“The first stage of the complex is already operational and in May the facility will reach its planned capacity,” explained Dmitri Urusov, deputy director of the Ulyanovsk Vodokanal. “We are already noticing significant energy savings. The quality of biological treatment is improving, which will allow us to achieve all the indicators that modern environmental legislation requires for wastewater quality.”
And in April the annual “Water of Russia” campaign begins in the Ulyanovsk region, the goal of which is to clean the coasts of garbage and wood debris. This was reported by the information portal “Ulpravda”. The events are held within the framework of the project “Conservation of unique water bodies” within the framework of the national project “Ecology”. “This year we plan to clean the banks of about 100 rivers, ponds and lakes with a total length of about 200 kilometers. A calendar of activities has already been drawn up that will be carried out in all municipalities,” they said in the press service of the Ministry. of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Ulyanovsk Region.
Waiting for the flood
In the Astrakhan region, the national project “Ecology” helped to supply water to settlements where more than 500 thousand people live. To increase the water content of the natural zone, sluice regulators are used, which open during the spring flood. And flood waters actively flow into the developed network of water bodies.
Once flooding is complete, the gates move to the closed position, preventing reverse flow of water. The object remains in this state until the next flood.
In the region, 123 kilometers of reservoirs have been cleaned in five years. This year it is necessary to complete the cleaning of the Akhtuba River in the Akhtubinsky district, as well as a 900-meter stretch of the Malaya Darma erik in Astrakhan.
The Volga newspaper reports: a hydraulic structure will be built near Astrakhan to retain flood waters and prevent the death of fish in the Dalchinsky Erik. The construction of the hydraulic structures has already been completed and preparations are being made for their commissioning.
The governor of the Astrakhan region, Igor Babushkin, previously proposed to extend the implementation of the “Volga Improvement” project until 2030 or to develop a new project “Comprehensive improvement of the Volga River Delta”. According to Babushkin, funds are needed for high-quality dredging of rivers, the recovery of fishery resources and the cleaning of debris from coastal areas.
Help “RG”
In five years, thanks to the national project “Ecology”, it was possible to clean 1.3 thousand kilometers and restore 24.9 thousand hectares of water bodies in the Lower Volga. And reduce wastewater discharges to the river by more than 30 percent. By the end of 2024, the volume of contaminated wastewater discharges into the Volga will be reduced three times.