Restore: the advertising campaign Back to the Office was presented, in which the devices are shown to be exaggeratedly gigantic. This season, the chain continues to follow the new set of vectors after a large-scale rebranding in 2023. Now it is no longer just stores, but a territory of innovation and technology.
“Now more than ever, it is important for everyone to have reliable devices at hand that help them get their work done, no matter where they are – in the office, at home or anywhere in the world. These little gadgets are actually a great help. Their contribution to creating comfort is so enormous that they are already indispensable for man,” notes the restaurant: red.
Restore – proposes to rethink the value of gadgets in everyone’s life. The campaign exaggerates the devices necessary for a comfortable stay in a modern environment: smartphones, tablets, headphones, speakers, smart watches and, of course, laptops. This image conveys the magnitude of their importance for a person living in the era of global digitalization.
Previously, Restore announced the launch of an annual competition and exhibition project. This year’s theme is “Color versus B/W: The Nature of Contrasts.” We discuss it in more detail here.