Spain places the legal age for ordinary retirement at 66 years and two months of age. Despite this, it is possible that workers opt for it some time before if they meet a series of requirements established by Social Security. In this way, you will be able to obtain early retirement and leave working life even a decade earlier, at 55 years of age. Despite what many may think, this possibility allows 100% of the pension to be collected, without affecting the remuneration that the years that, in advance, access this condition will receive. To do this, workers must prove their status as members of the bullfighting sector or be receiving a pension for permanent disability.
Spain is submerged in full updating of the pension system. According to the plan established by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, the increase in the retirement age will increase in the coming years until reaching 67 years in the year 2027. The increase proposed by the minister Jose Luis Escriva will go provide gradually until reaching the new set age.
Despite the Ministry’s plans, the truth is that conditions are not the same for all workers. Depending on the number of years they have been contributing to Social Security, there will be citizens who can leave the labor market and, therefore, will access retirement years earlier, even at 55 years of age.
Retirement at 55 years: how many years do I have to contribute?
The terms of the pension system in Spain do not allow retirement at 55 years of age, as they have not reached the minimum age established for it. A forced retirement can take place up to four years before the established age, but it would not be possible with less age, although there are exceptions.
When it comes to accepting or not a retirement application, what Social Security will study in detail is the number of years that the worker has contributed. In this way, with 37 years of contributions and nine months, it is possible to withdraw and collect the pension at age 65, one year before what is stipulated by law. However, all those workers who belong to a specific professional sector can access it at age 55.
Bullfighting professionals who have worked as banderilleros, excelentes, rejoneadores, picadors, subalterns of rejones and comic bullfighters, can request the retirement pension at age 55. All of them have the right to collect the full amount of their pension without penalizing their remuneration due to the anticipation of their retirement.
Retirement at age 55 with permanent disability
If a worker is receiving a pension for permanent disability and it is contributory, they will be able to access retirement at age 55. To do this, he must justify a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65% and be a beneficiary of a benefit for severe disability.
These citizens who cannot work or carry out essential daily activities Electronic Headquarters of Social Security. In this case, it is allowed to process the application at 52 years of age and collect 100% of the pension, although in this case you would have to choose between collecting the disability benefit or the amount for retirement.
Jubilation in advance: who can take advantage of it?
Workers with a degree of disability of less than 65% can also access retirement before the set age. If the degree is between 45 and 65%, retirement from the labor market is allowed at 56 years of age. Other possible cases are people with Wilson’s disease, ALS, Autism Spectrum Disorder or Down syndrome.