Global Film has released a trailer for the sci-fi thriller “Megan: At Your Service” (Subservience – “Toadying”, 18+) starring Megan Fox. The film was directed by SK Dale, written by Will Honley and April Maguire.
The plot takes place in the near future, when robots can replace people. While Nick’s wife is in critical condition in the hospital, high-tech robot Megan (originally Alice) becomes the guardian of the home.
But it seems that her cold and calculating artificial intelligence doesn’t want to be just a substitute. Megan will do anything to remain part of this family forever, even against her own will.
Also starring: Madeleine Zima, Michele Morrone, Atanas Srebrev, Kate Nichols, Matilda Firth, Andrew Whipp, Trevor Van Uden, Ewan McNaughton and Max Kraus.
The film will be released in Russian cinemas on August 29.