The most popular category of products that people “look for” on sales is clothing. 71% of Russians like and look for discounted items. Also in the most popular “sale” categories are shoes (53%), cosmetics and perfumes (36%), accessories (31%) and electronics (27%).
Respondents are looking exclusively for sales or discounts on clothing (40%) and shoes (32%). One in five respondents are looking for cosmetics, perfumes and electronics. Hobby items are bought at a discount of 11% and sporting goods at a discount of 9%. In addition, 9% each picked up goods for construction and repair, furniture and spare parts.
Almost 60 percent have never regretted a purchase made during a sale. Others cited buying discounted clothing and shoes as a disappointing experience – a total of 22 percent said so. At the same time, when asked about the most successful purchases during sales, many also mentioned clothing – 43 percent said they successfully bought some discounted clothing and then wore the purchase for a long time.
The majority (55%) believe that they save up to 10 thousand rubles on sales per month, another 22% – from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The average savings, according to the survey results, is 13,600 rubles.
On average, the maximum amount left for the sale is 22,700 rubles. The majority (41%) spend up to 10 thousand rubles, 22% – from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. 7% admitted to having made purchases totaling more than 50 thousand rubles within the framework of the sale.
“Sales have always been popular both in our country and abroad. Until 2021, going to sales in Europe was quite cheap, where real discounts during sales periods reached 90-95% in so-called outlets,” says Olga Zhiltsova, associate professor at the Department of Logistics of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, the expert notes that for a long time Russians were skeptical of discounts due to unscrupulous sellers who, on the eve of sales, inflated prices for goods and then allegedly made huge discounts. Thus, they earned a bad reputation among buyers.
“Today, store managers understand their responsibility to customers and, more importantly, to their competitors.
The online environment has done its job: any information about the brand is instantly made public on the Internet, which means that a competent competitor will definitely take advantage of this, attracting most of the potential and regular customers.
Every online store, every marketplace and various trading services provide the buyer with the opportunity to leave feedback on the purchase. Therefore, sellers should not seek profit by deception, but it is better to make honest discounts, if not on all products, then definitely on the most popular ones, since with discounts it is best to stimulate the sale of the product that sells the most. By increasing sales of popular products through discounts, sellers will increase their income,” explains Zhiltsova.