Foreign scientists conducted a study that proved the benefits of potatoes prepared in a certain way. They found that this side dish in the diet brings benefits to the cardiovascular system and is also associated with normal blood sugar levels. The conclusion is that potatoes should not be fried or boiled, but baked, reports Pronews.
As part of the experiment, more than two dozen volunteers with type 2 diabetes ate 100 grams of baked potatoes with their skins on each day for 12 weeks, getting about 20 grams of carbohydrates. Another group of volunteers ate white rice, which contained the same calories and carbohydrates, instead of potatoes.
The work showed that potatoes can be a “healthy, functional food if prepared properly,” the study’s authors said.
“Participants in the experiment who were given potatoes experienced a moderate decrease in fasting blood sugar levels,” the researchers noted, advising against cooking the product, as this leads to a greater loss of valuable microelements and an overall decrease in the benefits of the side dish.
Scientists have also confirmed that the fiber from baked potatoes helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Previously, researchers found that a type of fiber found in potatoes called “resistant starch” improves glucose control and lipid profile.
Cardiologist and PhD in Medical Sciences Anna Korenevich, in turn, warned that one boiled potato can contain a spoonful of sugar.
“Four boiled potatoes contain the daily sugar requirement. If we exceed this requirement, we begin to seriously harm our health,” she said, advising not to combine potatoes with bread and to eat them with plenty of vegetables and herbs.