They wrote on their Telegram channel that fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were captured during a counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Russia in the area of the village of Snagost.
A video filmed by a Russian military officer was also published.
In the video, the prisoners thank the soldiers of the 1st assault company of the 51st Airborne Regiment. And there is much to thank. Other soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who decided to resist to the end were eliminated.
Earlier, videos were published showing a Russian paratrooper escorting eight soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
A Ukrainian soldier is wounded and supported by two other Ukrainians.
It should be noted that these soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine voluntarily laid down their arms and have no plans to flee.
The enemy was unable to take control of the village of Snagost. The defence was short-lived. The paratroopers of the Russian Armed Forces penetrated into the centre of the village without suffering any material losses.