The Ministry of Industry and Tourism has given the green light to three new favorable provisional resolution proposals for line B of PERTE VEC II related to the industrial value chain of the electric vehicle. These proposals refer to the projects of the Stellantis plant in Figueruelas in Zaragoza, Robert Bosch in Aranjuez and Benteler in Burgos. This was announced by the head of the portfolio Jordi Hereu, during the closing of the XI Rural Forum ‘Somos Litera’ that was held in the Huesca town of Binéfar and what the Government has reported in a press release.
Stellantis has obtained 54.4 million euros of financing for eight projects related to the development of innovation processes for the manufacture of electric vehicles in the area of bodywork, technological solutions in painting and assembly. This Aragonese factory has already benefited from 59.1 million euros in the call for the battery line of this PERTE VEC II, with which the Ministry has already granted Stellantis Figueruelas a total of 113.5 million euros between both calls .
In this sense, he highlighted here that this contribution is “another example” of the policy to achieve the transition to electric mobility and that Spain, as the second largest vehicle manufacturer, does not renounce leading. He has also stressed that “what happens in Figueruelas has to do with what happens in La Litera, just as what happens in La Litera has to do with what happens in Zaragoza”, which demonstrates “a comprehensive strategy – he has said- where we have to advance on different fronts.”
The second aid is directed to the Robert Bosch plant in Aranjuez (Madrid), which achieves 1.2 million euros for the development of two projects related to the application of power modules in the manufacture of parts and components, as well as in research and prototype development processes for electric motor components that will be developed in the factory. For its part, the Burgos company Benteler obtains 341,964 euros for a project linked to the manufacture of a new axle for electric vehicles in its factory in Burgos.
On February 22, the first 10 projects of this line B were announced with 170 million euros in aid, among which Jema Energy, Basquevolt, Irizar, Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, Masats, Mugape, Edscha Burgos and Autotech benefited. The objective of this line is to promote investment plans for the industrial value chain of the electric and connected vehicle, its systems, subsystems and components; in addition to certain auxiliary infrastructure systems necessary for its deployment.