He was invited to conduct advanced training courses for choreography teachers who teach children aged seven to nine. Classes are held in a branch of the academy opened five years ago in the capital of Kuzbass. The other day the forum “Russian ballet school: basic values and development prospects in the regions” took place here. Its participants attended rehearsals, listened to lectures, attended practical classes and open lessons.
“Here you want to straighten your shoulders, rise to match the scale and beauty of this temple of modern art. Every detail stimulates development: linoleum helps to jump and protects the legs, mirrors do not deform, adequate natural and artificial light does not harm eyesight, there is a lot of space and air, Andrei Alferov noted. – Here, in Siberia, there is everything for children to receive an education at the level of the best ballet schools in the world. And the students not only have talent, but they know how to work and want to work, listen to the teacher.
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The branch of the Moscow State Academy of Arts is part of the cultural and educational complex being built in Kemerovo (as well as in Vladivostok, Sevastopol and Kaliningrad) by order of the President of the Russian Federation. Today’s students will be the first artists of the Mariinsky Theater branch. In a few years it will open in the capital of Kuzbass.