Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov has warned Telegram founder Pavel Durov that he should pay more attention to the use that is being made of his application, since over time it is becoming “more and more” a “tool in terrorist hands.”
“We would expect more attention from Pavel Durov,” he said in reference to its founder, a week after the terrorist attacks in a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, which have already left 143 dead and 180 injured. “This unique and technologically phenomenal resource, which has grown before the eyes of our generation, is increasingly becoming a tool in the hands of terrorists,” Peskov said in statements reported by several news agencies. . Russian. “It is being used with terrorist fines,” stressed Peskov, who, however, has ruled out for the moment that Russia is going to close the application.
While Telegram was already blocked between April 2018 and July 2020 until it adapted to a new Russian law that required messaging service providers to keep records of their customers’ messages and traffic in case authorities They will need access to them.
Durov, 39 years old and with a fortune that Forbes magazine estimates at $15.5 billion, left Russia in 2014 and currently resides in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Born in Russia, he has Emirati, French and San Cristobal nationality.