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HomeLatest NewsThe PNV wants to ensure the prevalence of autonomous agreements via amendment

The PNV wants to ensure the prevalence of autonomous agreements via amendment

Date: September 20, 2024 Time: 00:17:47

The PNV has registered an amendment to a bill to establish the prevalence of regional agreements over state or sectoral agreements. Congress is now processing the proposal to guarantee that the agreement that the nationalist party had reached with the Government is fulfilled, but which was not implemented due to the repeal in January of the unemployment benefit decree law.

Although the PNV has been demanding this measure for years, the Basque political party had not been able to agree on the priority of agreements at the regional level above the rest until this legislature, when the negotiations culminated in an agreement with the Government to reform the Statute. . from the workers.

The understanding with the Executive to promote this initiative came within the framework of conversations to guarantee the support of the parties in a legislature with a tighter number of votes in favor in Congress. The unions were not satisfied with the decision taken, as it represented a modification of the labor reform that had been agreed with the social agents.

Repeal of the unemployment benefit reform

The first formula with which the agreement was attempted to be fulfilled was the decree to reform the unemployment benefit, but this was repealed in Congress due to Podemos’s vote against it. Thus, the nationalist formation demanded that the Government comply with the signed agreement.

It was the PNV’s economic spokesperson in Congress, Idoia Sagastizabal, who warned Yolanda Díaz in one of her comparisons in the Lower House that the reform of the agreements had to be included “yes or yes” in some labor regulations. “We will keep our word and this will be done,” Yolanda Díaz promised in response to the PNV request.

Taking advantage of the fact that the bill to transpose a European Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions is now being processed, the Basque Group has decided to register its amendment alone, collected by Europa Press, waiting for it to pass all parliamentary procedures.

Reform of the Workers’ Statute

The reform in question involves a modification of article 84 of the Workers’ Statute so that the agreements of the autonomies prevail over the sectoral and state agreements as long as they obtain the support of the majorities required to constitute the negotiating commission in the corresponding bargaining unit and its The regulation is more favorable for workers than that established in state agreements.

Elements such as the trial period, contracting modalities, professional classification, maximum annual working hours, disciplinary regime, minimum standards for occupational risk prevention and geographical mobility will not be negotiable in the regional agreement.

The PNV justifies its proposal in the fact that the creation and quality of employment is “intimately linked” to the approximation of the negotiating bases to the knowledge of their environment and, therefore, to the social majorities existing in the closest negotiating areas. . .

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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