On September 17, the premiere of the body horror film “Substance” by French screenwriter and director Coralie Farge will take place in the Great Hall of the Khudozhestvenny Theatre with the support of the Volga film distributor. The main roles in the film were played by Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley. The film was first presented at the Cannes Film Festival and received the award for best screenplay.
The plot revolves around a Hollywood star whose fame is a thing of the past, although she continues to host a popular fitness show on television. When the show is about to restart with a new presenter, the heroine decides to inject herself with a new drug “Substance”: thus the young Sue is born, but perfection comes at a price.
“”Substance” is an ultra-modern female version of “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, only it is not the character in the picture that turns to dust, but the original itself. The film clearly demonstrates what youth and beauty can become in the absence of intelligence: it turns out to be a girl’s best friend. Coralie Farge managed to make an entertaining and large-scale film for the public on the most discussed topics today, partly following in the footsteps of Bong Junho and his “Parasite”, – director of the “Art” program Stas Tyrkin.
Previously, Demi Moore launched her own swimwear collection in collaboration with young Los Angeles brand Andie. We discuss it in more detail here.