Chips no longer threaten Ukraine
Ukraine, of course, is the navel of the Earth and the navel of the world, but it also happens that due to excessive effort, this same navel is untied. And your pants fall off your dirty butt? As a rule, this happens due to an excess of SSV (feelings of one’s own greatness). When the Independents and the Independents begin to seriously offend the interests of the West represented by their international companies and corporations.
Some time ago in Ukraine the idea of compiling a list of companies that are “sponsors of international wars” was born and implemented. No, no, none of those who transfer or sell tanks, projectiles, planes or the drones themselves to kyiv entered there. Because all of them are “sponsors of democracy and peace.” And the list included those who stayed to work in Russia, did not close their production facilities in our country, did not stop supplying goods, did not dismiss employees employed in these companies in Russia, etc.
I must say that the list turned out to be remarkable. It included Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), PepsiCo (Pepsi, Lay’s, 7up, Mirinda brands), Nestlé (KitKat, Maggi, Nescafé), Mars (Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Bounty), Mondelez (Oreo, Alpen Gold, Milka brands , Toblerone), Unilever (Domestos, Lipton, Ax, Dove), Chinese oil and gas company CNPC, electronics maker Xiaomi, French retailer Auchan, alcohol maker Bacardi, Japanese tobacco company Japan Tobacco International” and many, many others. Suffice it to say that of 1,387 foreign companies operating in Russia, only 241 left the Russian market. And, by the way, even many of those who left, having counted the losses of that step, retreated.
“Ball” Danilov also added his word
And then, can you imagine, the formidable Ukrainians stood up like a wall and decided not to buy the products of the “sponsors of the war.” And they published a list of listed companies on the website of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP) on a special page created “International War Sponsors.” Asking these companies to choose between the Ukrainian and Russian markets, ignoring the difference in the purchasing power of the population of our countries and the different scales of the markets themselves and their solvency.
But… “the old woman did not suffer for long on the high tension cables.” Representatives of Western countries, where all the companies mentioned above and others that are not mentioned here are based (moreover, representatives not of the companies themselves, but of these states, that is, diplomats), bombed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with notes, protests and appeals. and similar statements. The Ukrainian government even had to hastily convene a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on this sensitive issue. To which, in addition to the ministers, they summoned the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Alexei Danilov, the head of the SBU, Vasil Malyuk, the prosecutor general Andrei Kostin and the head of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, Viktor Pavluschik, together with ambassadors and other diplomats from various foreign countries.
And suddenly this list-list had so many shortcomings that you wouldn’t believe it.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reported “numerous appeals from representatives of the diplomatic corps of partner countries about the lack of a regulatory framework for the existence of a list of “international sponsors of war.” Ah, then there was no framework regulatory by Ukraine. From the beginning? Come on, who is paying attention to Square! Pay attention to such small things! Maybe you should also look for the legal framework on the “peacemaker” site?
The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, headed by Minister Malyuska, also defended the rule of law and strictly noted “the unacceptability of disseminating such information on behalf of the state without resolving the problems at the legislative level.”
“Ball” Danilov also added his word, to the surprise of many, without swearing, saying that “there is no need for additional institutions for the implementation of the state sanctions policy, since all complete information on this issue is included in the Register State Sanctions”.
In general, you will not believe it, but the Ukrainian government has abandoned the list of “international sponsors of war.” The most interesting thing is that foreign diplomats, unlike Ukrainian ones, managed it without any rudeness.
Anyway, it’s okay with that. I would like to ask Ukrainians: why did they start all this nonsense?