“Cream” is a black comedy performed in the musical genre. The plot is as follows: her husband left her, but he left her a restaurant called “Cream”. When meeting for the first time, the premises turn out not to be a restaurant: strange people work here, and of all the necessary equipment, there is only a huge stove. A little talent, imagination, and luck, and the hottest place in town is up and running. After all, everyone needs cozy and homely establishments with an individual approach.
– I, as a person brought up on Tim Burton and not adapted, but real fairy tales by the Grimm brothers, love black humor and scary, ironic and funny fairy tales, – says Alexey Zolotovitsky. – And when I was offered to stage a musical about the crematorium, of course, I immediately agreed. After all, the main idea of the performance is not that we bury someone on the stage, but how people adapt to the situation, how they move from one initial event to another, how they seize any crazy idea in order to survive somehow. manner.
The director is clear about it: “In all comedy you have to find some meaning and try to perceive all the difficulties of life through laughter. After all, death and laughter go hand in hand from the first steps of humanity”.
The performance took part: Sharif Abdul, Yegor Abramov, Anastasia Almukhametova, Natasha Gorbas, Alexander Kudin, Andrey Martynov, Daria Melnikova, Stasya Miloslavskaya and other artists of the Yermolovsky troupe.
And on September 28 and 29, there is another premiere on the Main Stage – the psychological story “Adler’s Room”. Starring Oleg Menshikov and Yevgeny Tkachuk. Director: Lera Surkova.
Psychiatrist Pyotr Alekseevich Adler is trying to understand the motives of the crimes committed by his patient, in whose psyche a kind of ecosystem appeared in the form of a house with a large number of rooms. It is as if they are inhabited by at least ten very different personalities in terms of name and age, in terms of their vision of life and the world around them, expressing different aspects of their nature. Attempts to synthesize the patient’s personalities into a single whole have failed, and the psychiatrist himself is so close to the abyss of madness that only a miracle can save him …