As reported on the Telegram channel of the regional government, the teachings were given by the traditional Buddhist Sangha of Russia. The event included the ritual of “Destruction of the Mandala.”
The rector of the Buddhist University “Dashi Choynkhorlin”, Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy Geshe Lama Dymbryl Dashibaldanov, taught the believers to recite the White Tara mantra. Then the mandala was dismantled. Those present were given crushed sand from ground Baikal stones.
Residents and guests of Ulan-Ude listened to stories and lectures on Buddhist teachings, methods of mind training that help maintain self-control and concentration.
The official website of the forum says that the 2nd International Buddhist Forum was launched on August 4. A large number of guests from different countries are expected to arrive.
The forum “Traditional Buddhism and Modern Challenges” will be held in Ulan-Ude from 12 to 14 August. It is taking place on the eve of the celebration of the 260th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Pandito Hambo Lamas, the leaders of Buddhist communities in Russia.