We all know that in the world of anime and manga, One Piece is considered one of the longest because the first volume of the manga appeared in the Japanese magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump on July 22, 1997, while the anime aired on Fuji TV from October 20, 1999. and currently, Eiichiro Oda continues to tell us about Luffy’s adventures.
One of the reasons why One Piece is so long is because the author created a very complex world that has an elaborate plot and spans various storylines. Maintaining constant popularity over the years has resulted in it continuing to satisfy fan demand.
Despite the popularity and success of this work, the situation that Eiichiro raised a few years ago was about the end of the story that he had planned for this year, but how true is it?
Is Eiichiro Oda lying about the ending of One Piece?
User X, @sandman_AP, is responsible for remembering this comment made by the author five years ago. This happened in 2019 when Eiichiro Oda mentioned that he wanted to complete One Piece in 2024. The goal he set exceeded reality.
There are several reasons that make it clear to us why this is not possible, and one of them is that the story is in the early stages of the Final Saga. Full of secrets and revelations, the Egghead arc marks an exciting start to the final phase of One Piece, with a huge world to explore and many challenges ahead.
Here, the Straw Hats embark on a new adventure full of dangers and surprises, and fans can’t wait to find out what plot twists lie in store in this exciting final leg of Luffy and his crew’s epic journey.
The truth is that we’re not even close to the final island, so it’s unlikely that One Piece will come to an end; But fans are betting that it could happen between 2030 and 2040.
At least we have had the story for a long time and it is not on pause, like other works.
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