The story of My Hero Academia is one of the most successful franchises in recent years, as in addition to the anime, it has also been adapted into several feature films on the big screen, which captivate more than one and make it clear that young people who aspire to be great saviors will have to face many things in order to become the best, but many fans are still wondering if these plots are related to the main story, and we finally have a very clear answer.
According to a report from AnimeHunch, the author of this work, Kohei Horikoshi, has finally cleared up the doubts about whether his movies are canon or not, so he talked about it and referred to another very popular and beloved franchise in the anime industry, which is none other than Dragon Ball, whose movies tell original things and have nothing to do with the main plot, and this seems to have pleased the creator of My Hero Academia very much.
Source: TOHO Animation
“I used to always go to watch the Dragon Ball movies at my community center. However, nowadays, series like Kimetsu no Yaiba or Jujutsu Kaisen have movies where things actually happen in the manga. While that’s fine, I personally prefer movies like the ones I enjoyed in the past about Dragon Ball, with original stories that only exist in the feature films themselves. “I’m very grateful that all of our movies so far have been like that,” he commented.
This comment from Horikoshi-sensei, the author of My Hero Academia, will surely resonate with more than one person, because the very fact of telling movies that are not connected to the main plot is a little more fun because you don’t know what to expect from it and they tell you something that could be and could have been, but in reality it won’t happen, it’s just like “what if” and you don’t have to see them to know that they connect to the next arc that they connect to adapt to anime.
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