The One Punch-Man anime is building up high expectations with the arrival of its third season, which will feature intense battles and of course Saitama will be a part of them or at least be present, but like him, other much-loved characters will also be returning.
To warm up the engines, the official anime website has been publishing promotional images of some characters every month, and now it’s the turn of one of the favorite girls of the story created by ONE, Tatsumaki.
Tatsumaki is also known as the Terror Tornado, a great heroine with incredible strength that will be seen later in the third season of One Punch-Man. This design is by Shinjiro Kuroda.
Source: JC Staff.
Not many details have been revealed about the anime’s Season 3 premiere yet, but thanks to these images, many can get an idea that they will be returning to take part in the battles that await in this great adventure. However, the production continues to remain silent.
Season 3 of One Punch-Man, like the previous one, will be directed by JC Staff, but many are still unsure how it will be done, as they will have to adapt one of the most difficult arcs to animate, especially when showing details in fights.
On February 29, the first preview of what will be shown in the third season of One Punch-Man was shown as Saitama’s journey as a great hero continues.
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