Naoko Takeuchi’s Sailor Moon has marked entire generations for various reasons, as it is one of the most influential anime and manga series of its time, helping to popularize the shoujo genre throughout the world. The play pioneered the portrayal of strong, empowered female heroines, challenging gender stereotypes and leaving a lasting impact on pop culture.
A special case that reflects the above characteristics is Sailor Neptune, better known as Michiru Kayo. An elegant girl who is always accompanied by Haruka Teno. He exudes grace and elegance in both his demeanor and fighting style, using techniques such as deep diving.
The tender, seductive and elegant side of Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon.
On the Devianart account, user Valjaco shows a version of Sailor Neptune as if she were a drama idol. He has fine features, an egg-shaped face and very white skin. This makes it impossible not to fall in love with her.
The artist reflects the essence of character and elegance of the heroine. You see a natural calmness in his eyes, as well as a sensitive and compassionate side. She wears her signature dark green sailor suit with white and blue accents. She also has a special necklace that identifies her as a member of the Sailor Scout team.
Despite her obvious femininity, she also demonstrates a strong and distinctive personality. The author, Valliaco, has interpreted this aspect, giving Sailor Guardian a unique combination of subtle elements that allow us to see an elegant and powerful character.
This guard stands out for many reasons, and it’s easy to fall in love with her beauty.
What do you think of this Korean version of Sailor Neptune?
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