Land of Sand is a story created by Akira Toriyama that imagines a desert world where there is a constant struggle for water as it is a scarce and valuable resource. The story follows a young hero named Rao, a demon, and his companion as they set out to find the liquid and save their people. Throughout their journey they will have to face challenges and colorful characters.
This incredible work will have an anime adaptation so fans can see more of the adventures created by Toriyama Sensei. The best part is that you can now enjoy the beginning, which can be seen chapter by chapter.
SAND LAND – Discovery No. 1
— Dragon Ball Super (@DBZcom) March 20, 2024
The release of the new Sand Land trailer revealed the name of the anime’s opening theme: “Water Carrier” performed by Croya. The group has rarely participated in the anime industry before, but this year they distinguished themselves by collaborating with the new project Studio Sunrise.
On the other hand, the ending, titled “Drive My Idea”, will be composed by indie rock band Tempalay, both groups debuting with a song for the anime.
What else do you need to know about Sand Land?
The first six episodes of Sand Land will focus on the storyline of the author’s manga known as Akuma no Oji or The Prince of Demons. This adaptation will include new scenes seen in the 2023 film, as well as an unpublished version, allowing the story to be adapted into a weekly series format. Starting with the seventh episode, it will introduce a new arc conceived by Akira Toriyama called Tenshi no Yousha or Angelic Heroes, set in a place called Forest Land.
The plot of Sand Land deals with themes of friendship and improvement in an arid and hostile world. So this adaptation is causing great enthusiasm among Dragon Ball fans and will be available to see starting March 20th.
It’s been a long wait, but we’ll soon be able to enjoy this anime adaptation of Akira Toriyama.
Are you excited about this premiere?
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