Cosmetologist-dermatovenerologist of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia
“A summer walk in the fresh air can lead to skin irritation and an allergic reaction if nettle bushes lurk along the path. Contact with this common plant can result in seeking medical attention. I will tell you what symptoms you should watch out for and how to act in case of a nettle burn.”
What we will tell you about:
Causes of nettle stings.
Probably every child and adult has at least once experienced burns from contact with nettles. The burning properties of the plant are explained by the special structure of its stems and leaves. The trichome hairs covering its surface look like needles filled with liquid. Upon contact with the skin, the tip breaks off and a mixture of formic acid, histamine and choline spills out. This is what causes burns and pain.
Photo: Elkov
The protective properties of the plant help prevent animals from eating nettles. A person is exposed to chemicals when trying to remove weeds with bare hands or coming into contact with them while walking.
A nettle burn feels like a bee or other insect sting. Direct contact causes an immediate reaction on the skin. In the first few seconds, the victim feels pain, after which characteristic blisters appear that rise above the rest of the skin surface.
Symptoms of nettle burn
The danger of nettle lies in possible allergic reactions to the substance found in its trichomes. Its consequences can be serious, especially in children. Nettle allergy is characterized by symptoms such as increased body temperature, weakness, swelling of the skin, and increased heart rate. A dangerous complication is difficulty breathing. You may notice that the symptoms of nettle allergy are specific. To determine the exact cause of ill health, additional laboratory tests may be needed.
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Regardless of the tendency to allergies, nettle always causes burns when it comes into contact with the skin. Its symptoms are noticeable itching, redness of the affected area and swelling. Burned skin is usually warmer. Blisters usually disappear on their own within 10 minutes, but can persist for up to 12 hours.
In rare cases, even after a few days, raised spots appear in the form of rashes on different parts of the body. This indicates the development of contact dermatitis – an allergic disease, the main symptom of which is blisters on the skin from pale pink to dark red.
The rash is accompanied not only by itching, but also by other manifestations of an allergic reaction: bronchospasms, Quincke’s edema, allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis. With single rashes, we can talk about an acute course of the disease, but if they reappear after six weeks, it means that contact dermatitis has acquired a chronic form.
First aid for a nettle burn.
A fresh burn should be washed immediately with cold water. After this, it is recommended to wipe the affected area with an alcohol solution. To cool the burned area and reduce itching and burning, it is recommended to use ice compresses. Sometimes nettle hairs remain on the skin. A medical dressing or adhesive tape will help remove them without unnecessary trauma.
After treating the burned area, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It is strictly forbidden to touch your eyes with dirty hands. The last step is to apply a soothing gel or cream to the skin.
If you come into contact with nettle, do not heat the affected areas or take a hot bath or shower. It is forbidden to lubricate burns with oil or other products that form a film on the skin. This significantly delays the healing process. You should also not rub blisters with your hands.
If an allergic reaction occurs, you should especially monitor your well-being. It is not enough to localize unpleasant symptoms by external means. Allergy sufferers should receive comprehensive care. The first thing you should do is take an antihistamine. In addition to medications in the form of tablets, you can use anti-allergy gels and ointments.
Photo: Ngiamsanguan
When to seek medical help
If the signs of burning persist for several days, the affected area hurts and the damaged area of skin increases in size, you should consult a doctor for medical help. It is especially dangerous if an allergic reaction develops on the neck and face. This can cause inflammation of the larynx and make breathing difficult.
Preventing nettle burns
Spring and summer are a time to relax in nature and at your country house. To avoid unpleasant contact with nettles, it is advisable to wear covered clothing. This primarily concerns children, as their skin is the most sensitive. Regular maintenance of the local area and removal of weeds will reduce the risk of burns. You should wear protective clothing and gloves when working on the site.
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If nettles grow on a plot or in a garden, the area should be treated mechanically: digging up the soil, destroying weeds manually and using agricultural machinery. If it was not possible to avoid a burn and an acute inflammatory process or an allergic reaction occurs that is not controlled by antihistamines, urgent medical help should be sought.
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