To lose weight it is necessary to perform intense exercises that help burn excess fat. One of the popular areas is aerobics, its essence lies in cyclical exercise with a relatively high heart rate. Over the years of development, it managed to gain popularity and split into different types. Some run and jump while others use step and fitball. Together with an expert, we will find out what this direction is and how to do it correctly.
Dean of the Faculty of Fitness
“Aerobics, in the broad sense of the word, is a type of cyclical exercise of medium intensity that allows you to reach and maintain a certain heart rate for a sufficiently long time.”
The benefits of aerobics.
Training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Improvement of the state of the musculoskeletal system and coordination of movements. Resistance development. Fat burning. Improvement of the psycho-emotional state.
types of aerobics
Classic aerobics. A format where special aerobic movements called steps are performed to the rhythm of the music. They come in various combinations.
Stepped aerobics. The difference of this type is the presence of a special platform with height adjustment. All movements are performed with parallel steps and descents.
Aerobic dance. The elements are dance-like, with moves borrowed from hip-hop, jazz, Latin, funk, and the list goes on. In such a lesson, a sense of rhythm and plasticity develops.
Fitball-aerobics. It is not difficult to guess that the fitness ball will become the main equipment here. This training helps to improve posture, develop the vestibular apparatus and exercise the press.
Water aerobics. The movements are similar to classic aerobics, the only difference is that all training is done in the pool. These exercises are suitable for people with joint problems, since the water slightly reduces the load.
Power aerobic exercises. Certain strength exercises are performed to music, additional equipment is often used, but you can train without it.
Contraindications for classes
Among the list of restrictions, of course, are all severe forms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. People with asthma should refrain from this type of exercise. If you have doubts about your physical condition, you should consult your doctor or instructor before starting classes. Professionals will help you choose the load and tell you what restrictions it is better to adhere to.
How to lose weight with aerobic exercises?
Most importantly, you can lose weight no matter what type of aerobic exercise you do. The main thing is not the choice of movements, but to take into account the pulse and the duration of the classes. The more intense and active you move, the higher the number of beats per minute and, therefore, the more effective the fat burning process will be.
aerobics for children
Aerobics is a suitable direction not only for adults but also for children. It is useful for children to participate, but it is important to consider the characteristics of age and level of preparation. Prior to training, parents should consult with the children’s coach to determine which group is best to enroll the child in.
First steps in aerobics.
Before starting classes, you must choose the appropriate format, taking into account its level of complexity. If you’re just starting out, a basic level is best for you, where you learn the steps of aerobics, perform the simplest modifications, or strength exercises suitable for beginners.
Also, before starting classes, it is necessary to choose the right sports clothes and shoes. You can only train in sneakers, it is forbidden to attend classes barefoot or in Czech shoes.
You should also know that in case of fatigue in the lesson, you cannot stop abruptly, you need to take a step, breathe calmly. Always carry water with you and be sure to take a few sips during the lesson.
Home workouts: 3 sets of exercises.
To develop a series of exercises at home, it is important to know that any activity begins with a warm-up, they can be aerobic movements or joint exercises of at least five minutes. After a well-done warm-up, the main part follows, a series of exercises lasting 20 to 50 minutes.
Read about the importance of warming up in the article:
What happens if you don’t warm up before exercising?
The session must end with a final stretch, which must also last at least five minutes. It is important that training at home can be done without additional equipment, that is, only with your own body weight, but you can also buy dumbbells, barbells, rubber shock absorbers for your workouts, and even buy a cardio machine if you have somewhere . put.
A set of exercises for the hands.
Below are two exercises, perform them alternately for two to three sets with minimal rest.
forearm flexion
execution technique
Stand up straight, take the dumbbells in your hands with a regular grip, legs slightly bent and shoulder-width apart, as you exhale, bend your elbows. Try to lift the dumbbells as high as possible. As you inhale, lower your hands, but do not relax them all the way. You can perform the exercise both with both hands at the same time and alternately.
Do 10 to 12 repetitions.
Standing Dumbbell French Press
execution technique
Stand up straight, set your legs shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight, avoid arching. Take a dumbbell and raise your arms above your head. Inhale, bend your elbows, and bring the dumbbell behind your head. The elbow clearly points up. As you exhale, straighten your arms.
Repeat 10 to 12 times.
A set of exercises for the legs.
Below are two exercises, perform them alternately for two to three sets with minimal rest.
classic squats
execution technique
Stand up straight, legs a little wider than shoulder width apart, and bend slightly at the knee joints. Lower arms along the body or put on the belt. The back remains straight, the shoulder blades come together and the shoulders are straightened. Chin is parallel to the ground or slightly higher, look straight ahead. For the horizontal position of the hips, the angle at the knee joints should be approximately 90 °. The movement is performed by pulling the pelvis back. As you inhale, straighten your arms. legs and return to the starting position.
Perform 12 to 20 times.
Plie squats
execution technique
Stand up straight and spread your feet as far apart as you can, push your heel slightly forward and spread your toes at a 45º angle, set your body straight, square your shoulders. The stomach is contracted and the buttocks are compressed. Hands can be held at your sides or extended in front of you. Slightly bend your knees. As you inhale, bend your knees and lower your pelvis. The thighs should be parallel to the ground, hold this position for a few seconds and feel the tension and stretch of the muscles, as you exhale return to the starting position by stretching your legs.
It is necessary to perform from 12 to 20 times.
Read more about plie squats in the material:
What is worth learning from ballerinas? All about the plie squat technique
A set of exercises for the back.
Below are two exercises, perform them alternately for two to three sets with minimal rest.
Bent Over Single Row With Dumbbells
execution technique
Bring your left leg forward and bend the knee, rest your right leg on the ground and stretch it out. Lean your body forward and rest your hand on the thigh of your left leg. With the other hand take a dumbbell back. Then go down. your hand back.
Repeat the movement 10-15 times and switch sides.
“Good day”
execution technique
Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Place the bar, bodybar, or gymnastics pole at the back of the shoulders, holding it with a reverse grip. Lean forward until your body is parallel to the ground. Concentrated. on the heels. Then straighten the torso, returning to its original position.
Perform 10 to 15 repetitions.
Prepare your uniform and shoes, aerobics will make your body work faster and move towards a healthy and fit body. Each exercise helps to improve not only the physical condition, but also the mental one. Enjoy your workouts and your figure.
Read more about the good morning exercise below:
How to do the “good morning” exercise? This is a great way to pump up your buttocks.
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