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What is balance and how to train it? 8 most effective exercises

Date: September 11, 2024 Time: 13:49:47

The art of maintaining balance or, in other words, balance is important both when doing exercises and in everyday life. This skill makes movements more precise and easier. But what to do if you notice an imbalance in coordination and balance? The answer is simple: include a small series of exercises in your training.

International trainer, co-author of the “Youth Vector” method

“Balance helps us avoid falling into the ice, mobilize resources, and get to our destination instead of the emergency room.”

Why is balance necessary?

Balance is an integral part of our daily life. From the moment a person learns to walk on two legs, his body constantly fights with gravity and the force of the support reaction to support himself and not fall. When we maintain balance, our movements are coordinated, easy and relaxed.

The ability to maintain balance helps not only when moving from point A to point B, but also when making a dream come true, for example, getting unforgettable emotions and recharging energy by surfing or snowboarding. Think how much we can lose if we don’t learn to “catch the wave” and maintain balance!

Furthermore, by developing balance, you invest in your overall health and condition: muscles become stronger, physical performance and mental state improve, but the risk of injury decreases.

Photo: istockphoto.com/Szepy

Why do some people have bad balance?

Impaired balance can be due to various reasons, including the presence of diseases. This could be due to vision problems, problems with the vestibular system, joints for example, arthritis or a history of trauma. The list can take a long time to grow.

Let’s talk about non-medical reasons that we ourselves can influence. In this category, the main reason for loss of balance is a decrease in proprioception, that is, sensitivity. This means that the nervous system stops observing certain areas of its “body map.” How can you control them if you don’t see them? That’s right, no way.

proprioception – a feeling of the position of body parts relative to each other and in space.

Photo: istockphoto.com / FG Trade Latin

Another reason is the lack of coordinated work of body parts (for example, the movement of arms and legs). Imagine that in an orchestra, each musician begins to play his own part, without listening to the others. In this case, instead of a beautiful melody, listeners will only hear noise and cacophony.

It is important to understand that to maintain balance it is necessary for the muscular corset to be well developed. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, your sense of balance may also be affected.

yoga instructor

“Body balance is not only a physical condition, but also the key to harmony and success in all areas of life. Don’t put off taking care of yourself – start developing your coordination, strength and flexibility right now. Strive for harmony and balance and you will see life fill with new colors and possibilities. Your body and soul deserve it.”

How to train balance?

There are several techniques that will allow you to develop this skill, you must choose based on your objectives and capabilities. Specific activities will help you achieve results.

Training on an unstable surface. They perfectly activate the deep muscles that hold our body in an upright position. Training to improve proprioception. This will allow you to be much more aware of the position of your body in space by training with a minimum number of support points (for example, performing exercises on one leg). A more difficult option is with your eyes closed: integration training. They allow to improve the interaction and synchronous functioning of all parts of the body. Walking or running on uneven surfaces such as sand or grass. Dance and dance fitness styles. Yoga practices.

Why develop motor skills and how to do it:

How to develop the motor skills of a child and an adult? We analyze useful practices and exercises

Exercises to develop balance.

Let’s look at specific exercises, the daily performance of which will allow you to develop balance and deal with even the most unstable situations. You can practice at home, you don’t need any equipment.

Exercise 1

Execution technique

Stand straight, transfer your body weight to one leg. The supporting leg may be slightly bent at the knee. The pelvis is directed forward. Place your hands on your pelvis and the other leg is slightly extended behind you. The body from the top of the head to the toes of the free leg is a straight line. As you inhale, begin to lean forward and down, placing your body parallel to the floor. The other leg is extended back and raised, note that the free leg is raised as long as a straight line is maintained from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. If you want to make it more difficult, stretch your arms forward and as you exhale return to the starting position.

Perform 8 to 12 repetitions and then switch the supporting leg.

Photo: Olga Melyakova

Exercise 2

Execution technique

Stand straight, legs apart and feet turned slightly outward. The crown is raised, the pubic bone is slightly pulled towards the navel, the spine is in a neutral position. The arms are lowered along the body and as you inhale, do three “plunges” into a wide squat, keeping the spine neutral and the crown of the head extended. When performing the “spring”, your arms extend to the sides, with an exhalation push and transfer the weight of the body to one leg, while you tilt the body towards the supporting leg. Move your arms up, stretch from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers on your free leg.

Perform 8 to 12 repetitions, alternating sides of the lift.

Photo: Olga Melyakova

Exercise 3

Execution technique

Stand straight, transfer your body weight to one leg, the top of your head is extended and your spine is in a neutral position. The foot of the free leg is placed on the shin of the supporting leg. Hands in front of the chest, palm pressed on palm. The knee of the bent leg rotates to the side, opening the pelvis. Imagine that both halves of the pelvis appear to move away from each other. As you inhale, straighten the knee of your free leg and extend your leg to the side. At the same time, maintain axial extension, exhale and return to the starting position.

Perform 8 to 12 repetitions on each side.

Photo: Olga Melyakova

Exercise 4

Execution technique

Squat low, with your legs almost closed, resting on your toes (first and second toes) and heels raised. The crown is extended upward, the spine is in a neutral position. Hands are placed in front of the chest, palms are pressed against each other, shoulders are straightened and lowered. Keep your knees extended forward along your first and second toes. If you have good balance in this position, close your eyes. Maintain volumetric and calm breathing.

Perform four to five breathing cycles.

Photo: Olga Melyakova

Exercise 5

Execution technique

Take a deep squat position with your legs spread and feet pressed to the floor. As you exhale, stretch your arms forward, pull your pubic bone toward your navel, and round your back. As you inhale, rise on your toes, raise your pelvis until it is parallel to the floor, extend your arms to the sides. The top of the head is extended upward, the spine is in a neutral position, the knees are turned to the sides and directed along the first and second toes.

Perform 8 to 12 repetitions.

Photo: Olga Melyakova

Yoga for balance

Warm up your body before you start practicing; regular joint exercises will be sufficient. Stay in each asana for 7 or 14 breathing cycles, counting your exhalations. Enter the position as you exhale and exit as you inhale. If you are new to yoga, we recommend that you first carefully study each asana, chat, or practice with an instructor.

Vrksasana – tree pose

Execution technique

Stand straight, place your right foot on your toes and transfer your body weight to the left foot, pressing it firmly to the surface and spreading your toes. With your left leg straight and stable, lift your right leg. Place your hands on your waist or keep them parallel to the floor, place your right foot on the inside of your left leg at a comfortable height, bend your knee. Shoulders and pelvis in the same plane. Head aligned with the spine. Stretch from your tailbone to the crown of your head, with your chest open. Look at a point in front of you while maintaining balance, feeling the balance of your body, lift your right heel to your perineum, use your hand to place your foot on the inside of your left thigh. Extend your arms above your head and join them in front of your chest in namaste. Move your right knee to the side, opening your right hip joint, but do not rotate your pelvis. The back is straight, extending from the tailbone behind the crown of the head. Breathe deeply and balance, release the position as you inhale and repeat the same on the other side.

Photo: istockphoto.com/Monoliza21

Uttanasana – intense stretching pose

Execution technique

Stand straight, bring your feet together, press them to the mat, arms along the body, perform a shallow push-up, your back should be straight. The palms can be placed at the base of the hips or lower, wherever the body allows. The weight is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the feet. The pelvis, shoulders and head are in a single line. Stretch your spine from your tailbone to the top of your head and continue lowering into a bent over position. When your stomach falls over your hips, lower your hands to the floor or grab the back of your legs and move your forehead as close to your knees as possible. Breathe deeply while maintaining balance, pull your arms toward your legs, using your arms as leverage. The pelvis extends upward. The feet point to the ground. Keep your legs strictly straight. Balance.

Photo: istockphoto.com / AzmanJaka

Virabhadrasana I – warrior pose I

Execution technique

Stand straight, feet 120-135cm apart, turn your right foot 90 degrees and your left foot slightly inward for stability. Make sure the invisible line from the heel of your right foot reaches the center of your left foot. The feet are pressed firmly to the mat, the weight of the body is evenly distributed between them. Turn your body toward your right leg, with your shoulders in the pelvic plane. Bend your right leg at the knee so that the knee does not extend beyond the heel. Inhaling, raise your arms above your head and bring your palms together. The chest is open, extending from the tailbone behind the crown of the head. Direct your gaze in front of you. The shoulder girdle and body are clearly turned forward. Lower your pelvis until your knee is above your heel and your thigh is parallel to the mat. The angle between the thigh and the lower leg is 90 degrees. As you inhale, straighten your spine from the tailbone, deepen the flexion. As you exhale, sit deeper, focusing on your bent leg. Look behind your palms up, come out of the position while inhaling and repeat the same on the other side.

Photo: istockphoto.com/SergeyChayko


Execution technique

Lie on your back with your feet on the edges of the mat, arms extended at a 45-degree angle to your body, and palms facing up. Lay the head flat. Closed eyes. Breathing is natural, calm. Lying down should be comfortable, so prepare a mat. If you wish, you can cover yourself with a blanket, this will allow you not to be distracted by the feeling of cold, take a position, don’t move and relax. Perform for one to three minutes.

Find out what prevents you from doing shavasana correctly:

“I was bored and waiting for it to end.” A personal story about falling in love with savasana

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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