“The results of training manifest themselves differently in each person. Some people gain muscle mass faster, while others do so more slowly. Let’s find out what needs to be done to increase the volume of your arms.”
How fast do muscles grow?
To achieve a notable increase in muscle mass, it is necessary to take all of the above factors into account together. The result appears from several weeks to several months.
In one study, experienced athletes gained just over a pound of lean muscle mass during eight weeks of training. Beginners gained muscle mass faster.
The link explains why your leg muscles may not grow:
Why don’t leg muscles grow even with intense exercise? The coach mentioned 3 main mistakes
What factors influence the growth of arm muscles?
Muscle growth is influenced by many factors: strength training program, exercise frequency, quality of recovery, age, diet, stress level, bad habits, genetics and much more. The more carefully you treat each of them, the better the muscles will respond to the load.
Genetics. Some people are genetically programmed to have greater muscle growth potential. This manifests itself in both the speed of mass gain and the volume of the muscles. This is influenced by the ratio of hormones, the thickness and length of bones, the type of muscle fibers, the functioning of the nervous system and much more.
For example, if a person’s body is predominantly made up of fast-twitch muscle fibers, they will be more predisposed to strength training and gaining muscle.
Additionally, the size and shape of the hands are influenced by the insertion sites of the muscles and the length of the tendons. If you have short tendons, the muscle will be longer, and if the tendon is long, the muscle will be shorter.
Training program. The triceps and biceps are predominantly composed of type II muscle fibers. To increase volume, it is best to train them with a weight of 70-85% of one repetition maximum for 8-12 repetitions. Do the exercise slowly, without jerks or traps. By the way, the principle “the more the better” does not work. It is necessary to give such a load so that the muscles have time to recover at the beginning of the next workout.
In one study, researchers selected athletes and divided them into two groups. The first did 10 sets of 10 repetitions per workout, the second did five sets of 10 repetitions. As a result, after six weeks, muscle growth in both groups was at the same level. Additionally, the researchers concluded that doing 10 sets versus five may result in a smaller training effect.
Frequency of classes. The arm muscles work actively when we train the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders, so training the arm muscles too often will lead to overwork. The optimal frequency of classes is once a week. However, experienced athletes can increase the amount depending on their goals and body condition.
Diet. Proper nutrition with enough protein, carbohydrates and fats plays a key role in muscle growth. Protein is especially important for building and repairing muscle after exercise.
Aim for 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight and 0.8 to 1.5 grams of fat per day. You can use sports nutrition as a complement to your diet.
Photo: / Elena_Danileiko
Rest and recovery. Arm muscles need time to recover from training and begin the growth process. Lack of sleep and excessive tiredness can slow down this process. The optimal recovery time is 48 to 72 hours. Additionally, poor quality sleep negatively affects muscle growth and impairs the recovery process.
Stress level. Anxiety and depression affect the functioning of the nervous system and hormonal levels. Cortisol levels increase and testosterone decreases, which negatively affects muscle growth. Furthermore, a state of emotional instability reduces concentration and prevents the athlete from demonstrating their physical qualities to the maximum.
Training experience. The rate of muscle growth will change as your training progresses. Beginners will see training progress faster than experienced athletes.
How fast do muscles grow?
To achieve a notable increase in muscle mass, it is necessary to take all of the above factors into account together. The result appears from several weeks to several months. In one study, experienced athletes gained just over a pound of lean muscle mass during eight weeks of training. Beginners gained muscle mass faster.
biceps exercises
Use different exercises to strengthen your biceps, choosing those in which you feel best.
Reverse Grip Pull-Ups
Grab the horizontal bar with a reverse grip at a distance less than shoulder width apart, lower your shoulder blades and bring them together, and bring your chest forward slightly. Avoid arching your lower back excessively; As you exhale, bend your elbows and lift your torso. Do a pull-up by bending your arms, tensing your biceps to minimize the involvement of your back muscles in the work; strive to rise to eye or chin level; As you inhale, gently lower yourself down, stretching your arms at the elbows.
Perform two to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Rest between sets: one or two minutes.
barbell curl
Grip the bar at shoulder width distance. The neck, back and hips are located in one line. Feet together, lower your shoulder blades and bring them together. They remain in this position throughout the exercise. It is not necessary to raise your shoulders; press your elbows tightly to the body and lock them in one position throughout the exercise; As you exhale, lift the bar toward your body, bending your elbows at a 90° angle. Pause briefly; As you inhale, gently lower the bar to its original position, straightening your arms at the elbows.
Perform two to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Rest between sets: one or two minutes.
Photo: / Georgiy Datsenko
Concentrated dumbbell lifting
Sit on a bench and take a dumbbell in your right hand. Place your elbow firmly on the thigh of your right leg. The left hand rests on the left leg, the back is straight, the shoulders are in a stationary position throughout the exercise. It is not necessary to balance the body, just work the arm; As you exhale, flex your right arm, lifting the dumbbell as much as possible without lifting your elbow from your hip; while inhaling, slowly extend your arm to the starting position; It is important to avoid jerking and perform the exercise at a slow pace.
Perform two to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Rest between sets: one or two minutes.
Photo: / Ridofranz
triceps exercises
Triceps dips
grab the bars with your hands. The body is straight, the neck, back and hips are located on the same line. Feet together, lower your shoulder blades and bring them together. They remain in this position throughout the exercise, it is not necessary to raise the shoulders; as you inhale, gently lower your torso to the lowest point, bending your elbows at a 90-degree angle; Start the movement by bending your elbows, pressing them against your body; As you exhale, stretch your arms at the elbows, raising your body to the top point. Try to avoid shaking and swinging your legs and body.
Perform two to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Rest between sets: one or two minutes.
Photo: / Aleksandr Zyablitskiy
diamond push-ups
stand in a lying position with your body straight. The neck, back and hips are located in one line, with the legs together, place the palms of the hands narrowly, under the pectoral muscles. The thumbs and index fingers touch. For a simpler option, you can place your palms 10 to 30 cm apart, lower your shoulder blades and bring them together. Elbows slightly close to the body. They remain in this position throughout the exercise; As you inhale, lower yourself to a 90-degree angle with your elbows; As you exhale, straighten your arms and rise to the top point. Try to avoid shaking and swinging your legs and body.
Perform two to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Rest between sets: one or two minutes.
The link offers more information about this exercise:
Great for strengthening the triceps. What are diamond push-ups and how to do them correctly?
Barbell French Bench Press
Lie on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your shoulders and bring your shoulder blades together. Ask your partner to push the bar; grab the bar with both hands so that your arms are stretched above your chest; There is a natural arch in your lower back. We recommend avoiding strong push-ups to avoid unpleasant or painful sensations in the back; as you inhale, gently bend your elbows at a 90° angle, lowering the bar behind your head; As you exhale, straighten your arms back to the starting position. The elbows are parallel to each other.
Perform two to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Rest between sets: one or two minutes.
Follow this link to learn how to eat to gain weight:
How many calories should you consume per day to build muscle? Nutrition Tips
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