Olympic champion Alina Zagitova took part in Pavel Volya’s entertainment program on TNT. The girl was introduced as the sexiest figure skater in the world (in July, the American edition of The Sun wrote about it). In addition, Alina talked about her personal life. Spoiler: dear men, you have every chance!
The first question was a hot topic. Pavel Volya asked Alina how she felt about the title of the sexiest figure skater in the world. To this she replied as follows: “All the girls are happy to be in this state. But for me this is not the most important thing in life, so I took it easy. There were always a lot of tackles.” Alina is an outstanding girl, and without this title she has an army of fans and people who would like to see themselves next to an athlete.
On the same topic, Zagitova recalled a criminal incident that happened to her at the age of 16. Alina lived near the skating rink and went to train on foot. Near the track there was always a stranger waiting for her. As Alina was walking to her house after training, a man sitting in a tinted jeep slowly approached her and said something to the effect of “I’ll take you with me” through the open window.
screenshot from the 19th edition of “Show Will”
And now the main thing! The male part of the audience should now study everything carefully. Alina talked about what a man should not do on a first date. First, it is worth removing the stupid entries. Secondly, there is no need to talk about figure skating either. The girl wants to talk about hobbies and not get hung up on work: “I have a lot of entertainment and things that I do. I am quite a social person. For example, boxing, fencing, painting, television and journalism. In fact, here Alina is modest, she has much more hobbies.
If we talk about the personal life of the champion, then she does not have a knight. Now Zagitova has only self-development: training, filming, work, hobbies. Alina does not have a definite ideal of a man, since she has no experience in relationships: “I am in free swimming. I have little experience, I have not yet figured out what kind of man I need. Pavel Volya also joked about his colleague Ilya Sobolev, who also hosted the show, adding even more humor. Pavel asked: “Does a short man from St. Petersburg suit you as a man? (hinting at Sobolev) “Alina replied that she would do it.
Alina came to the show with her younger sister Sabina. She dances, enjoys K-Pop, and goes to school. The sisters are on friendly terms. They have their own secrets, common things, shared time and the same love for sweets. “Sometimes I take things from my little sister. For example, yesterday I went golfing and I took off her skirt. This is very convenient, because we are almost the same height, ”Alina admitted.
screenshot from “Show Will” number 19
And of course, we talk about work. Zagitova can now be seen in performances in Sochi in Tatyana Navka’s show “Scheherazade” and “Sleeping Beauty.”
At the end of the show, Pavel and Alina played an interesting game of facial expressions. The point was to repeat the emotions of the photos of the skaters. It seems that now the public will post funny photos of Zagitova. After that, Alina left an autograph, received flowers and sat down to watch the show as a spectator.