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Who is a schizoid and why does it cost him to live? 6 behavior markers to test yourself

Date: October 17, 2024 Time: 22:28:18

Very often, complex psychological terms make their way into everyday vocabulary, but their true meaning remains a mystery. So, for example, it happened with the term “schizoid”. Some associate it directly with schizophrenia. Others believe that it is an insulting curse. Still others understand a little better and understand that they refer to human personality types: schizoid, hysteroid, etc. But there is another problem: most likely, the ideas of these people are outdated.

clinical psychologist, expert of the online school of psychological professions “Psicodemia”

Who are these “schizoids” and what if you are one of them?

Right away we’re going to dot the “i.” A person with a schizoid personality type is not someone who has schizophrenia. It’s about different things! I propose to start by understanding what a personality type is, and then proceed to the analysis of schizoid characteristics.

About human personality types

An attempt to divide any phenomenon into varieties – to categorize, typify – is a natural step in the process of knowing the world. To facilitate the study of a person’s personality, psychologists and psychiatrists, looking at its various manifestations, tried to simplify the information received in order to identify the types.

Having decomposed all the variety of phenomena into certain “boxes”, we have the opportunity to study each of them in detail. Why is this guy exactly the way he is, what influenced his formation? What problems do these people face? And, most importantly, how can you help them? It was these questions that the creators of the typologies wanted to answer.

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However, the human psyche is a highly complex phenomenon, and the more complex the phenomenon, the more difficult it is to typify it. Researchers have come up with a large number of very different systems, but none of them have earned the status of the only true one. In addition, modern science is gradually moving away from typologies, since data and scientific practice show that a person cannot be placed in just one “box”. Each person has a set of traits that have varying degrees of severity and manifest in their own way depending on the context.

According to modern ideas, a person’s personality is not monolithic, but looks like a large family of many components. So, each of us has schizoid, hysterical, narcissistic (etc.) parts, but their percentage and size vary from person to person.

When one of the traits is significantly expressed compared to the others, this is called “accentuation of character”. I emphasize that here we are still talking about the variant of the norm. When one or more traits are so pronounced that they lead to significant problems in relationships with other people (and in the life of the person himself), we are already facing Personality disorder. Every person has schizoid features to one degree or another, only in someone they are especially pronounced.

More about types and typologies:

Who is an ambivert and how should he live? 10 signs that you are this type

The nature and behavior markers of the schizoid.

Renowned researcher and psychoanalyst Nancy McWilliams describes schizoid individuals as hypersensitive people who “seem to have nerve endings closer to the surface than others” (McWilliams, 1998). The world probably seems like a particularly unsafe place to them, so they withdraw into themselves and emotionally withdraw from others to protect themselves. I emphasize that, despite the popularity and widespread use of this psychoanalytic concept, it is still only one of the views on schizoid processes.

People with this personality type are united a number of features:

They prefer solitude, avoid social events and social contacts. It’s not that they’re afraid. In fact, they are simply not interested. Such a person is more likely to stay at home to read a book or engage in creativity in solitude, rather than go to a concert or meet with friends. They have a limited circle of friends, it is difficult for them to build close relationships. They have a low need for external contacts. They prefer to maintain an emotional distance and often avoid intimacy, seem aloof, emotionally cold and distant. It is difficult for them to show tenderness, love, warmth and participation. The low participation of these people in relationships can often become the reason for quarrels, because partners are often offended by their behavior, they are often quite indifferent to intimate relationships, despite the fact that there may not be problems with achieving the orgasm or sexual dysfunction. As mentioned above, they avoid intimacy. Physical – included They are not guided by the opinions of others. They are equally indifferent to criticism and praise. They don’t care much about accepted norms. How he should look and behave – all this does not bother the schizoid too much. He is not one of those who seek approval, they often go into the world of their own fantasies, reality is not so interesting and reliable for them. Most of them have a well-developed imagination, so among people with a schizoid personality type you can find writers, artists or musicians. Not inclined to “act”, however, they often express their thoughts and feelings in creative ways.

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People with schizoid personality dynamics prefer to observe and analyze the world around them rather than actively participate in it. They pay attention to facts and details, can delve into what they have learned, and are often interested in abstract topics. Therefore, among schizoid personalities you can find mathematicians, physicists, philosophers, etc.

It is important to remember that each person is unique. These characteristics can manifest differently for everyone.

How is a schizoid personality formed?

Like any personality trait, the schizoid is formed due to a complex interaction of biological, social and psychological factors. Some role is played by genetic and physiological features of the nervous system (in particular, rapid excitability, sensitivity to external stimuli), some – relationships with significant adults, social experience, culture, beliefs, ideas about the world.

By nancy macwilliams, schizoid traits can be exacerbated in two different types of family systems. The first is the overprotective type of parenting. In this case, parents display stifling care and regularly violate the boundaries of the child’s personal space, which can lead to emotional avoidance (McWilliams, 1998).

The second type is the reverse situation. We are talking about emotionally distant relatives who behave inconsistently or unpredictably. In search of an optimal strategy of behavior, schizoid characteristics become more acute in such a child. Social isolation at an early age also contributes to this.

If you can’t find the schizoid in you, maybe you are here:

How to understand that you are still an extrovert: 22 typical signs, pros and cons of character

Disadvantages and advantages of the schizoid.

Schizoids have difficulty communicating and establishing close relationships with other people. There may be differences here. For some of them, social isolation becomes a problem, for others (with marked schizoid) existence at a distance from people is quite comfortable.

Very often, people with a schizoid personality type can turn to a psychologist with the following problems:

Depression and depressive state associated with the lack of a close circle, social isolation and loneliness Burnout, fatigue, lack of understanding of one’s own desires. Schizoid personalities have a problem recognizing and expressing their emotions, and consequently, an inability to perceive and satisfy needs on time: from a banal feeling of hunger to the need to rest or change occupation. Difficulties with employment. The inability to adapt to society and communicate effectively can manifest itself both in the workplace and in interviews. Lack of romantic relationships. If people with a pronounced schizoid personality disorder can not even be upset by the lack of a partner, then people with accentuated or simply pronounced features often want to find a soul mate or start a family. At the same time, the classic ways of dating, like going to parties or using dating apps, can downright disgust them. Not to mention the fact that close relationships scare them in fact Conflicts with a partner. Schizoid people may face reproaches or claims from a loved one due to their coldness, distance, or problems with sex. In this case, in addition to individual work, couples therapy is very appropriate.

Despite all this, schizoids may have a number of advantages. For example, they are quite assiduous and autonomous. They are suitable for a type of activity that requires independence and the ability to function without constant interaction with other people (for example, remotely).

The interest of schizoids in the world of dreams and fantasies is often associated with creative success, and the ability to plunge into the subject, look for cause-and-effect relationships helps in scientific work. Some point out that schizoid people are calm, meek and quite stable in situations that in other people will cause a strong emotional jolt.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

How to live with a schizoid?

Do not think that schizoids are soulless people. Most of the time, they experience a lot of mistrust and feel insecure in contact with others. The best thing a close person can do is not undermine trust and provide a normal level of respect and attention.

It is quite useless to persistently demand strong emotional involvement from schizoids, a vivid expression of passion in relationships, great warmth, or public displays of attention. It’s just not in their nature. This feature just needs to be accepted.

How to live a schizoid?

Despite the fact that the article is devoted to a general idea of ​​​​the schizoid personality type, it is important to remember that each person is unique. There is no identical life story. Not a single psychologist in the world can tell a person how to live.

If after reading this article you suddenly realized that you are a schizoid, try to answer yourself the following questions:

What exactly does this information tell you about yourself? How “okay” are you with your schizoid? Does it bother you? What problems are you facing? Do you need help finding solutions to these problems?

If, thinking about these questions, you realize that you have problems and do not know what to do with them, the most effective solution is to contact a psychologist.

Useful instructions for the schizoid:

What is empathy and how to learn to understand other people? psychologist advice

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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