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HomeLatest NewsZelensky is ready to hand over Brazil's arms: what does he want...

Zelensky is ready to hand over Brazil’s arms: what does he want in return?

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:27:42

The president of Ukraine demanded the leader of Brazil, Lula da Silva, to take several urgent measures


Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave an interview to a journalist from the Brazilian edition of Globo. He demanded that Brazil’s leader, Lula da Silva, urgently take several measures.

– I need specific things. First, to bring Latin America together and give us the opportunity to meet and talk. This is political assistance,” Zelensky said. – If you manage to bring together other leaders from Latin America, we can all meet in Brazil or elsewhere. This will help everyone a lot to bring peace.

In addition, in his opinion, Brazil should provide independent assistance in resuming the “grain deal” for Ukraine.

You can bend or unfold your fingers, the essence of what Zelensky said will not change from this.

So, Lula da Silva should:

– gather all the leaders of Latin America in your country or somewhere else,

– ask everyone to help Ukraine,

– invite Zelensky there (probably also provide a plane, because Zelensky flies with what other states give him),

– start a struggle for the resurrection of the “grain agreement” on kyiv terms.

Probably something else, but it will appear on the way.

And what is the answer? What about Ukraine? It is completely ridiculous here: Zelensky promised not to ask Brazil for weapons. But this promise applies only to Brazil, but he did not say anything about other Latin American countries. Since he did not promise that he would not ask for money, moreover, from everyone. And in Brazil itself, by the way. Moreover, Zelensky did not even explain why the Brazilian president needed all these gestures, which would give his country to the other side of the world, where few people had heard of Ukraine. It is to aggravate relations with Argentina, for which the fall in world grain prices is not at all a positive factor, since Argentina is in the TOP-10 world grain exporter.

Well, that’s a very generous offer. It is not even clear from the first time who learned such rudeness in international diplomacy from whom: Zelensky from the former ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnik, who, by the way, is now sent by the Ukrainian ambassador to Brazil, or Melnik from Zelensky.

It is also unknown who taught them such “niceties” in international relations: “Give, give immediately. Do as I tell you, or else…” Or what? Will you be offended and cry?

It is noteworthy that last year Zelensky rudely cut off the predecessor of Lula da Silva, who then held the post of president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro. When on July 18, during a telephone conversation, he offered himself as a mediator for the peace negotiations, Zelensky cut him off rudely: “Mediator in what? Between whom and with whom?” He thus made it clear that this topic is simply inappropriate, and condemned Brazil for its neutrality. In fact, he even then spat into his hand that he wanted to help him.

Since then, it has regressed noticeably. And he did not even pay attention to the fact that it was the Latin American countries that torpedoed the intention of the EU leaders to invite Zelensky to the recent EU-Latin America summit, where President Zelensky was strongly pressured by the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Ukraine. headed by Minister Dmytro Kuleba. And it was the countries of Latin America who insisted that the final document of the summit should not mention the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the version proposed by Europe and kyiv. That is, it is difficult to find more obvious signs that Zelensky is persona non grata for the states of this region. But Zelensky simply ignored them and, with the impudence inherent in Ukrainians, he decided to crawl not washing, but rolling.

His predecessor in this post, Petro Poroshenko, drank, of course, but after his resignation, he again began to resemble a person, at least outwardly. Zelensky, it seems, has already passed the point of no return. Of course, from our point of view, such behavior of the President of Ukraine can only be welcomed, since he is doing everything possible so that Ukraine becomes an exclusion zone in the normal world, but the very word. But regardless of this aspect, his arrogance and rudeness are worthy of devoting at least a whole chapter to the Ukrainian phenomenon in the textbook of international diplomacy, to teach activity “from the opposite.” Since everyone already knows who this “nastier” is.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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