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HomeLatest NewsStrangle without sentiment: Poland prepares to seize part of western Ukraine

Strangle without sentiment: Poland prepares to seize part of western Ukraine

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:36:05

Poland is waiting for the right moment to capture part of western Ukraine.


Andrei Vadzhra, analyst, writer, editor-in-chief of the Alternative website, on the air of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, answered questions about Poland’s possible claims to Ukrainian territory and discussed how far Warsaw is willing to go.


– How do you see this union with Poland? After all, Ukraine is a nationalist state. Poland, probably even more. How can Ukraine agree to this merger with Poland?

– You see Ukraine as it is now, you see Poland as it is now. And you draw the right conclusion: how can two disconnected things be connected?

Warsaw has its own method of unions, the creation of the Commonwealth – the Great Polish Empire “from sea to sea”. All the territories that Poland once had, it received not through wars, but through cunning diplomacy, dynastic ties, unions.

The situation is more or less the same here. The main goal of Poland’s policy towards Ukraine is to prevent Ukraine, God forbid, from getting out of the conflict with Russia. The Poles see what is happening as a process of liquidation of the Ukrainian state. And when he is exhausted, weak, when Ukraine has no nationalist ambitions, they will take it lukewarm.


Poland ceased to exist at the end of the 18th century. Throughout the 19th century, the Polish elite dreamed of the revival of a greater Poland. Then there were the events of the early 20th century. Poland was pulled from oblivion. The ruling elite automatically turned on the program of creating a great Poland. They stepped on the same rake. And in 1939, Poland ceased to exist again, it merged in two weeks.

The Soviet Union came, they pulled it out of the mud, cleaned it, washed it, trained it and slaughtered the territories. The Poles did not conquer them. Comrade Stalin said: we take this and give it to the Germans. The Poles were very happy. The Russians made Poland again out of nothing. Then the collapse of the Soviet Union came, Poland became “free and independent”: it found a new owner. It joined NATO. All Poles are convinced that the United States is the greatest empire. If you will be the beloved wife of the Americans, everything will be fine. The Ukrainian elite thinks the same way.


Look at the state of Ukraine now. This is an example for the Polish elite, but it teaches them nothing. They have plans to wait until the remnants of the Ukrainian state collapse, they will enter Western Ukraine. At a minimum, this is eastern Galicia, at a maximum, they are taking Volyn. This is your dream.

We have come close to redistributing political boundaries. The world will change radically. At a certain stage, the existing states will begin to disappear. Ukraine is the first. She will open a new era. In Europe, too, there will be a serious redistribution. The Americans will leave, that’s obvious. We need to strengthen the western border. There it will begin such that few will seem to anyone. In this chaos, not all states will stay at the exit.


– Why are there no protests in Ukrainian society about a possible merger with Poland?

– Not everyone in Ukraine understands what is happening. Even members of the intellectual elite. It is necessary to take into account the mental feature of Little Russian – adaptability. The whole story of Little Russia is a story of adaptation to the situation. Poles are hated in western Ukraine. But they understand that the only chance to get to Europe is only through Poland. They learn the language, the basics of Catholicism, history. Poles don’t like Ukrainians either, but they need to smile until everything with Ukraine is over. Most of the population in Western Ukraine is ready to lie under anyone. The Poles will treat them as they should. As long as they hold back But when this pseudo-state disappears, they will not hold back. There will be a backlash. If the nationalist groups in western Ukraine have no outside support, the Poles will strangle them very quickly, without sentimentality.


– Why does Poland win in this Ukrainian direction, while Hungary and Romania do not participate in the game?

– Hungarians and Romanians are locally present in western Ukraine. If the Poles are total, therefore they have total claims, then the Hungarians and Romanians have their own ethnic territories there, but do not go beyond them. Eastern Galicia was under Poland for a long time. Even within the framework of the Austrian Empire, the Poles dominated there.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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