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Why do I work, but I still don’t have enough money? asked a psychologist

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:33:17

Finances are a difficult subject for many, even taboo for some. If, despite the huge amount of work, you still live from paycheck to paycheck, it is worth investigating the issue further and finding out the possible reasons. What does not allow you to increase income and how to fix it, we figure out together with Marina Gogueva, business supervisor, psychologist of leaders, founder of the “Business is Psychology” club.

Working is not the same as earning. If you cannot generate your own income in any way, then this is due to the personal characteristics of the approach to finance and the formation of wealth. Do you see what trap you were a victim of?

It is typical of people who tend to shift responsibility for their lives to others: the state, prices, society, etc. they are to blame for everything. You can also often hear from them: “My profession does not imply a large income.” We can talk about working as a teacher, doctor, plumber, driver, messenger.

If you look at your own activities from this angle, then in fact you will not be able to earn large sums. And no, “financial channels” are not blocked, it’s just that a person does not allow himself to see the possibilities of making money or raising the price.

But if you slightly reorganize your thinking and analyze the situation, skills and opportunities, you can get a number of important insights:

a teacher can, in addition to his salary, take part in tutorials or organize paid groups, that is, he himself will be interested in increasing income and will begin to look for ways to achieve this goal; this is better than blaming the state or “higher powers” ​​for his choice of profession and level of well-being; the driver is quite capable of learning the requirements and improving his qualifications to work in a business class taxi or get a position with a leader important, and not engage in private transportation in fixed-route taxis or in the economy segment; a doctor can also go into private practice or get a job in a good medical center because of his skills and competencies, instead of working “for a penny” where he doesn’t like it.

Unfortunately, many people do not ask themselves questions about the simplest analyzes and are in a hurry to blame someone else for their financial problems.

Suppose a person still has a goal to earn more, but it does not work out. For what reason is this happening? Often the desire for higher income is just words. The true subconscious goal of a person is different. There can be quite a lot of options here, but there are several more common subconscious goals that do not allow you to “break through” your financial ceiling:

please others, be good – the specialist is afraid to raise prices, all the time offers discounts and all kinds of promotions, if only you were flattered by him; they seem important, “cool”; then a large part of the income is reduced to the external attributes of wealth: expensive watches, the latest iPhone, business class car, trips to the Maldives, diving, etc. (but loans, nervous exhaustion , burnout and, as a result, unsuccessful business decisions); to be a hero – in this case, a person manages to earn good money, but through such stress, such efforts that he cannot feel the pleasure of the money received, because he is constantly exhausted and depressed, or in hospitals, or in attempts to forget yourself with the help of alcohol, etc. .P.

A significant part of the problems with finances lies “in the head.” It is worth finding out for yourself what reason prevents you from earning decent money for yourself, figure it out, change your mindset – and the result will not be long in coming.

Limiting attitudes may be another reason for low income levels. There are a huge number of them, for example:

“Money is dirt”; “Modesty is the best decoration”; “Money spoils people”; “You can’t jump over your head”; “We do not live richly, we should not start”; “You earn a lot of money dishonestly”; “We can’t afford it.”

There are many more such statements, and all of them do not allow you to achieve a really high income, manifest yourself, grow and develop. As a result, a person will work, but will not earn. Because, for example, it is embarrassing to name the real cost of your service, so you reduce it or completely refuse wholesale orders on which you can earn a lot.

Analyze your thoughts about money, keep track of frequently repeated phrases. Even if they seem completely harmless, try to find out how they affect your approach to money, what can they block?

You can take a few steps yourself:

Analyze and understand what role money plays in your life. What is more important: a good salary, or rather, the benefits that you can pay thanks to it, or “to pretend to be a hero”, to be a “good poor, but honest person”?

Reconsider what guides you when making business decisions: a healthy financial interest or the desire to prove something to someone?

Identify your limiting beliefs and work with them.

Try to understand why you cannot earn as much as you would like. By working with your mindset, alone or with a mentor, you are sure to change your own life for the better.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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