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HomeLatest NewsHell kills: Scientists have discovered how hot weather shortens life

Hell kills: Scientists have discovered how hot weather shortens life

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:18:04

Uncomfortable air temperature for a person, both too low and too high, shortens our lives.

Photo: Shutterstock

Uncomfortable air temperature for a person, both too low and too high, shortens our lives. “Heat kills” is not a metaphor at all, but a fact proven by science. Another confirmation is given by the Franco-Spanish team of scientists, who published the results of their study in the international medical journal The Lancet. The experts analyzed the database of deaths from last summer in Europe. And they came to the conclusion: it was hell that killed more than 60 thousand inhabitants of the continent.

For Russia today there are no exact data of this kind, but doctors admit that, of course, sweltering heat badly affects health and reduces the chances of active longevity. How exactly does the hot temperature affect our body? Which organs and systems suffer the most, and therefore their condition should be monitored especially carefully? We talked about this with the director of the Institute of Personalized Cardiology at Sechenov University, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Philip Kopylov.


– The increase in mortality during heat has already been proven many times. There are not only individual studies, but whole meta-analyses (reviews of dozens of scientific articles. – Ed.), – says Professor Kopylov. – In addition, the influence of temperature changes on the body, including intraday ones, is being actively studied. Observations show that a rather sharp change in the heat of the day to a noticeable coolness of the night, apparently, also negatively affects life expectancy. Such fluctuations are more painfully tolerated by people with health problems and older people.

In a word, everything indicates that global warming will somehow translate into an increase in mortality, the expert believes. Both due to the appearance of warmer periods, as well as stronger and more frequent weather changes.


– The most dangerous heat for our cardiovascular system – warns the doctor. – At the same time, it is diseases of the circulatory system that occupy the first place among diseases that are the cause of premature death.

– Is it true that with heat the viscosity of the blood increases and blood pressure rises?

– Elevated room temperature is a powerful stress factor for the cardiovascular system. In heat, the body actively loses water, which leads to an increase in blood viscosity. On the other hand, heat stress, like any other, causes an increase in blood pressure.

If a person has a predisposition to thrombosis (smokers, overweight people, diabetes, atherosclerosis, a sedentary lifestyle are at risk), then the threat of thrombosis in the heat increases, notes the professor-cardiologist.


Symptoms that require a medical consultation

In hot weather, when the load on the whole body increases, it is especially important for people with chronic diseases to take the drugs prescribed by the attending physician in a disciplined manner, emphasizes Professor Kopylov. At the same time, if the heat aggravated the condition, there was discomfort, you should consult a doctor; perhaps a correction of treatment, a change in dosage is required. Or add/replace drugs.

The expert listed the signs that require a medical consultation, among them, you can use telemedicine services, that is, chat with a doctor online.

1. The appearance of shortness of breath.

2. Heart rhythm failures. There are two main signs of such a violation. First: suddenly he began to clearly feel his heartbeat (in a normal state, we do not hear, we do not feel how our heart beats). The second – the heart beats, as it were, out of order, irregularly.

3. Dizziness, headaches, which were not before.

4. Decreased exercise tolerance: For example, it became difficult to climb those floors where you could walk easily before.

5. Pain in the region of the heart.

6. Persistent increase in blood pressure: if it is stable, you have 10-15 mm Hg more than usual.


Hell increases anxiety

It is known that too hot or cold weather seriously affects the mental health of people who are predisposed to certain mental disorders, says Professor Kopylov. It should be noted that according to one of the recent international studies, one in two people on Earth is at risk.

“Extreme temperatures are a powerful trigger for anxiety and depressive disorders,” explains the doctor. – And these violations, in turn, increase the risk of exacerbation of the same cardiovascular diseases and other pathologies, which ultimately leads to increased mortality.

– Philip Yuryevich, sleep disorders are among the most common mental disorders. Many complain about such problems in the heat. How to deal with insomnia in congestion?

– The best, of course, is the air conditioning. If it is not, then at least one fan (quiet. – Ed.). To stay cool, close the windows before going to work; when exposed to direct sunlight, rooms get hotter. And in general, follow the basic “rules of the game” in the heat: stay in the sun less, wear a hat, drink more (there are restrictions on cores, “KP” wrote about them in detail).


Is summer the most dangerous season for young people?

This conclusion was made by scientists from Imperial College London. In one study, they compared the mortality of people of different age groups in all seasons. It turned out that most young people lose their lives… in the summer.

The experts explained that the main reason for the jump in mortality is injuries. Young people are more inclined towards risky summer sports. They also abuse alcohol more often, after which, among other things, the number of drowning in bodies of water increases.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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