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I saved on psychologists and began to live better: what did it lead me to follow biorhythms?

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:43:39

pharmacist, health coach, biohacking coach

Many are not used to paying attention to themselves until the obvious failures of the body begin to limit us. So it was with me.

Doctors get sick too

At the age of 35, he was running a network of pharmacies (pharmacist). He played sports, jogged in the morning, ate well and had no bad habits.

But this did not save me from health problems:

1. Decreased energy. Apathy, morning feeling of weakness, increased anxiety and crying.

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2. Miscarriage. Several miscarriages in the early stages. Hard work, the death of loved ones led me to failures and disturbances in the hormonal balance. I felt like I was breaking down and medical tests showed that I was pretty healthy within my age framework.

I decided that it was all in my head. I already knew the practices of psychological constellations, used the techniques of affirmative positive thinking, took courses in psychosomatic and body psychotherapy.

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Later, he became involved in work with the subconscious, turning to psychologists. He spent colossal sums on them, while turning to eminent authors of books on psychosomatics. They became excellent personal growth mentors and appreciative listeners about my problems for my own money. But they could not give long-term results.

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The problem began to be solved later, in 2017, when Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael Young became Nobel Prize winners in medicine and physiology for the discovery of molecular mechanisms that control the daily biorhythms of organisms.

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I was very interested in this topic – it turned out that the biorhythms that I had heard about before were literally implanted in our genes. All organs and systems of literally all living organisms on our planet are subservient to his work.

No need to pretend to be an “owl”!

When I delved into the subject of biorhythms, I realized that among the more than 300 circadian rhythms, the main ones are the change of sleep and wakefulness. This is the first thing to fix: learn to go to bed on time. I used to think of myself as an owl, but there is no such thing as an “owl gene”! But everyone has the period gene, which is responsible for the operation of the internal clock and the state of desynchronization, which is typical for so many.

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Establishing a biorhythm, the discipline of the day, as well as meditation gave a result that I could not achieve before. Thanks to early sleep, I began to get enough sleep, my skin condition improved, dark circles under my eyes disappeared.

Female harmony returned to the figure not thanks to diets and adjustments, but only if biorhythms were observed. I am more successful at work and at home. The discipline of biorhythms teaches you to predict the days of decreased productivity and activity, helps you not to lead yourself to the framework of greater demands when physiological rhythms are in decline. For this, it is important to observe the regime of your day and fix at what time of the day the greatest activity occurs.

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doctor’s opinion

toxicologist, candidate of medical sciences, creator of the “Kutushov symbionts”

“Biorhythms of the human body are regular cyclical changes in the physiological and psychological functions of the body that occur during the day. They control processes such as sleep, awakening, digestion, the release of hormones, and many others.”

There are several basic biorhythms of the body:

1. Circadian rhythms: These are biorhythms that repeat approximately every 24 hours. They regulate sleep and awakening, as well as other physiological functions such as hormone release and body temperature. For example, for most people, the highest level of sleepiness occurs between two and four in the morning.

2. Ultradian Rhythms: These are biorhythms that repeat for short periods of time, usually less than 24 hours. Examples of ultradian rhythms are appetite, heartbeat, and respiration.

3. Infradian Rhythms: These are biorhythms that repeat over long periods of time, usually over 24 hours. Examples of infradian rhythms are the menstrual cycle in women and seasonal mood swings.

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In fact, circadian rhythm disturbances may be related to various illnesses, including depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder.

In addition, it can cause sleep problems, moodiness, lack of concentration, and poor physical and mental health. This also includes digestive problems, such as constipation or diarrhea, due to a mismatch between the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and food intake.

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Sleeping in harmony with the body’s natural biological rhythms can improve sleep quality and general well-being, improve appetite control, and maintain a healthy weight. It is also recommended to avoid heavy and fatty meals before bedtime so as not to overload the digestive system during the rest period.

To maintain healthy circadian rhythms, it is recommended to follow a regular sleep-wake schedule, avoid bright lights before bed, create a comfortable bedroom, and avoid taking naps that are too long. It is also helpful to include physical activity and get enough light during the day.

psychologist’s opinion

Psychologist, TV presenter, Motivational speaker, Entrepreneurship expert

“Psychology and physiology are inextricably linked. And it’s no secret that a hungry and sleepy person is likely to feel irritable, overreact to situations, and even behave aggressively. Is it necessary to send him to a psychologist in this case? Not until the basic needs of the body are satisfied.

The heroine talks about how much biorhythms affect our state, and this is certainly true. But besides this, what is happening on a mental level is also important. The author pointed out that she went to specialists and gained experience in personal growth and in talking about her problems.

Despite the popular belief that psychologists simply “listened for money” about internal concerns, even this experience has a huge impact on one’s own state. Expressing what is bothering you and venting the accumulated tension without the listener judging you is a very therapeutic process in itself.

We cannot judge the professionalism of the psychologists with whom the author interacted (writing books, unfortunately, is not an indicator of the level in the practical field), and even more so we cannot know how these specialists adapted to her specifically (and the tuning between the psychologist and the client plays an important role).

Therefore, the lack of long-term results may be the result of a combination of many factors. However, we cannot be sure that if our heroine had excluded working with psychologists, she would have had the same result.

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I note that there are many fans of a healthy lifestyle in the world, for whom regular physical activity, following biorhythms and healthy eating do not become a guarantee of mental well-being.

As for the loss of loved ones, here again, everyone has their own way of accepting what happened. Someone goes through logic, someone – through religion and spirituality, someone just quietly experiences their pain. Of course, with a psychologist, he can pass such a test easier and faster. Life and death are cycles that we experience whether we like it or not.

For a person, one of the strongest fears is the fear of death, and it gets worse when we lose loved ones. With a psychologist, you can sort it out (or at least lessen the impact on your current state), and a healthy lifestyle will help ensure that the body doesn’t sabotage the changes that occur at the level of the mind and feelings.

A full sleep will help to strengthen our new neural connections, we will process and overcome a crisis situation more quickly and calmly.

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An attentive attitude to physiological processes, of course, helps the psyche, but it does not replace or cancel the need to take care of the internal state. And if you feel that there are problems that interfere with your mental health, do not hesitate to contact psychologists. The main thing is to find the one that is right for you.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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