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The consequences of a raw vegan diet: the doctor commented on the diet of the deceased Russian blogger

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:30:19

Blogger Zhanna Samsonova died in a clinic in an Asian country. For the past five years, she has followed a strict vegan diet. According to official figures, the girl’s cause of death was an infection similar to cholera. But her mother blames exhaustion for the tragedy. Whether such a diet could really lead to such consequences and how to avoid it, we deal with the doctor.

What are we talking about?

The girl blogged under the nickname “Zhanna D’Art”. She there she talked about her life and shared her experience of a vegan raw food diet. For the past four years, she Zhanna has been eating exclusively fruit, sunflower seed sprouts, juices and smoothies. The blogger assured subscribers that such a diet makes her healthier and transforms her mind and body.

In her social networks, she often posted her photos and showed her diet, and also did not hide that her weight was 41 kg.


The girl’s mother was against a raw food diet and convinced her to switch to a regular diet. According to an acquaintance of Jeanne, who has seen her for the past six months, the blogger already looked unhealthy then.

doctor’s opinion

nutritionist, nutritionist, expert in personalized adequate nutrition

“Anorexia is a serious neuroendocrine disorder that affects the hormonal sphere and metabolism. The extreme degree of anorexia – cachexia – leads to a deep metabolic disorder with depletion of fat and carbohydrate stores, increased protein catabolism, is characterized by irreversible dystrophy of internal organs and, as a result, death if not provided medical attention on time.

A balanced diet includes both animal and plant foods. Nutrients perform various functions in our bodies, including providing energy and supporting life processes.

Protein is essential for the production, maintenance, and repair of body tissues. Organs, enzymes (biological catalysts), antibodies, and hormones are made up of proteins and protein compounds.

Animal products tend to have the highest protein content, followed by legumes (beans), cereals (rice, wheat, corn) and tubers.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

Animal protein (from meat, eggs, fish, milk) contains all the essential amino acids. Vegetable proteins lack one or two essential amino acids.

Proteins in the diet must be present daily, the optimal protein intake is about 1 g per 1 kg of weight, the ratio of animals and vegetables is 50/50.

Vegetarian nutrition should be organized in such a way as to provide the body with essential amino acids. First of all, for it should not be monotonous. Completely solve the problem of ovovegetarianism and vegetarianism with the use of seafood.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, anti-anemic) from food contains only products of animal origin: liver, fish, kidneys, meat. The lack of this substance is widespread among vegans. First of all, the hematopoietic organs are affected: since the cells do not lose their ability to grow, but in them DNA synthesis is disrupted and division stops, this leads to the formation of megaloblasts (large cells) and anemia. megaloblastic.

Also read:

What foods have vitamin B? the doctor says

Similarly, damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis), glossitis develops. Impaired wound healing, immunodeficiencies, exacerbation of chronic infections are observed. Possible muscle atrophy, changes in smell and taste. Severe vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is accompanied by hallucinations, seizures, and coma.

Analysis of a girl’s diet.

A diet rich in fruits is not healthy. On a plant-based diet, there are risks of deficiencies in nutrients such as protein, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, omega-3, iodine.

Juices contain a lot of fructose. Excessive fructose consumption is associated with elevated triglyceride levels and hepatic insulin resistance.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

Insulin resistance is a biomarker of depression. The main vegan sources of ALA omega-3 essential fatty acids are walnuts, flaxseed and flaxseed oil, canola (rapeseed) oil, algae oil, hemp seed and hemp oil, olive and avocado. The human body cannot always use them to the maximum for the synthesis of other important substances.

Regularly eating many more nuts than recommended can lead to digestive symptoms such as bloating or constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or kidney stones. Due to its phytic acid content, too much product can also interfere with the absorption of iron, calcium and zinc from food.

Also read:

The nutritionist called the walnut, which reduces the risk of death from heart disease

The opinion of the nutritionist

Dietitian, Gastroenterologist, Medical Science Candidate, Clinical Pharmacologist

“Each of us has his own set of genes, we have a cultural component that significantly affects life. Imagine that everyone in your family ate horse meat and drank horse milk. With a 90% probability, this food will be genetically correct for you. After all, your body in this case adopted enzymes, antigens, and other bodies from your mother and father, and their bodies, in turn, from your grandparents.

If your ancestors ate meat and fat, they didn’t know what dragon fruit and avocado are, how can your body recognize this food? We all need a period of adaptation to a new food, not everyone does well.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

Therefore, someone may have eaten seeds and fruits since childhood, because they lived on the island (inhabitants of Oceania, for example), such a diet is normal for them. And if a resident of Eastern Europe grew up on beef, pork, root vegetables, milk and other products of rural industry (of which the Soviet and now Russian land was rich), then the transition to seeds and solar energy it can turn into a disaster.

We are all unique. Study your family, check the body, now there are various food tests, and then build a nutrition system.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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