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HomeLatest NewsThe State Duma proposed to simplify the school uniform KXan 36 Daily...

The State Duma proposed to simplify the school uniform KXan 36 Daily News

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:44:01

Nilov, in particular, points out that the start of each new school year for the parents of millions of students carries additional costs, including school uniforms.

For several years, GOST for school uniforms is being developed. Meanwhile, each educational institution sets its own rules for students. Today, in the main school, students are offered a school uniform resembling an adult business suit: for boys, made of dark dense fabric, a vest, a shirt, and in some cases , a tie or a handkerchief. Girls are offered to wear trousers, skirts, shirts, sundresses, and aprons are also preserved – an invariable element of the Soviet school uniform.

“I am convinced that this format of clothing is not entirely suitable for children and adolescents: children, especially in the lower grades, are very mobile, and sewing materials often do not even meet basic sanitary requirements,” notes the deputy.

He adds that the developers and manufacturers of school uniforms cannot agree on what theme they will sew. It is important that the form is comfortable, does not cause allergies, and is also affordable. as it wears out quickly.

“I think that in this situation, the best way out of the controversial situation could be to minimize the requirements for school uniforms – for example, to abandon the mandatory unified set of uniform elements while maintaining the usual standard of color and style (light top , dark). At the same time, there are certain ethical and aesthetic restrictions on the clothes of schoolchildren, which, of course, must be respected,” Nilov emphasizes. Well, that is, there should be no stripes or prints on the school uniform.

“In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the current difficult socio-economic conditions, many families, especially large ones, for objective reasons cannot afford to buy a new uniform for children every year. According to Rosstat, school uniforms in Games for students have risen in price by an average of 20%, with an incomparable increase in the level of family income,” said the deputy. And he asked the head of the Ministry of Education to study police practice in this matter to simplify the recommendations as much as possible, reduce the number of requirements for school uniforms and start from the liberalism factor in dealing with clothing. for schoolchildren and the minimum cost of their acquisition.

According to preliminary estimates, this year parents will spend an average of 19,000 rubles on uniforms. Average prices for school clothes are as follows: blouse – 2,000 rubles; vest – 1500 rubles; jacket – 3000 rubles; cardigan – 3000 rubles; pullover – 3000 rubles; sweater – 3000 rubles; shirt – 1500 rubles; dress – 2500 rubles; pants – 1500 rubles. To this we must also add sportswear and footwear. And these are an additional 4500 rubles.

According to the results of a survey conducted by the All-Russian Research Center of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), the total cost of preparing a student for the new academic year for all expenses is 43,029 rubles, that is, the figure increased by 9,804 rubles. The most expensive purchase is still the school uniform: on average, it costs 20,414 rubles per child, this figure has increased by 23 percent.

“Child support is becoming more expensive every year. And this slows down the growth of the birth rate. Therefore, other principles must be applied to families: reduce the fixed costs of families for education, upbringing and the treatment of children until they acquire economic independence. The state demonstrates some steps in this direction: an increase in the number of budget places in secondary and higher educational institutions, free meals for primary school students”, explains Alexander Safonov, Professor of the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation. To this we must add other measures: compensation for the expenses of preparing families for the school year, the expert is sure.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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