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HomeLatest NewsThe Nazis killed 323 thousand local residents and prisoners in Donbass.

The Nazis killed 323 thousand local residents and prisoners in Donbass.

Date: October 17, 2024 Time: 08:30:31

German Nazis with local accomplices destroyed more than 174 thousand Soviet civilian citizens.

Photo from: EASTERN NEWS

Specialists from the FSB archive presented declassified documents about the atrocities committed on the territory of the current Donetsk People’s Republic by “worthy” representatives of the Third Reich together with their henchmen – Bandera.

In the interrogation protocols of the 1940s, it is as if the punitive forces of the 2020s are seen.

It is important to understand that the German Nazis and their accomplices who committed war crimes were sought by the security agencies of the Soviet State and brought to light not only during the Great Patriotic War, but also after the war. The black acts of today’s Nazis do not prescribe either.

On January 24, 1944, the directive of the People’s Commissariat of the Interior “On the identification of participants in the commission of atrocities among prisoners of war” was issued.

Ideological sadists were identified by agents of the NKVD units, and later the KGB, and by Smersh counterintelligence agents.

And the directive appeared four months later, in the first month of the hot autumn of 1943, the Red Army cleared the Stalin region (Donetsk) of fascists.

Only later, from various sources, were they able to obtain terrible figures: in two years, from 1941 to 1943, in the temporarily occupied Donbass, German Nazis with local accomplices killed more than 174 thousand Soviet civilian citizens, as well as almost one and five hundred thousand of our prisoners of war.

One of the places where mass executions took place was the 4-4 bis mine in the suburb of Stalino.

The investigator of the “SD team” in Stalino, Yuri Shcherbakov, admitted what was happening in this terrible place. He was captured in January 1944. During one of the interrogations, this conscious Russophobe told the real investigators the following:

– The SD team and the “auxiliary service” that depended on it worked in Stalino. It was called “Security Service and SD” for the general district of Stalino. It had branches in the main industrial zones of Donbass. The service methodically exterminated Soviet citizens. He acted following orders from Hitler’s government…

Yuri Shcherbakov admitted that they were not afraid to take responsibility. There were no laws for them…

“They grabbed the people and put them into special vehicles. They were taken to the 4-4 bis Kalinovka mine. “It’s on the outskirts of Stalino,” said the former “researcher.” “There they shot dozens and hundreds of people.” The bodies were simply thrown into the mine.

As a result, the remains of thousands of civilians and prisoners were found at the bottom of the Kalinovka. Not only those shot, but also those tortured to death during Gestapo interrogations or those strangled in gas chambers…

Shcherbakov, of course, did not hide the names of those who were behind the mass atrocities in the Donbass in the early 1940s.

These names are worth knowing and remembering: their descendants are alive in today’s Germany.

This is the head of the “Security and SD Service” of the Stalino General District: Obersturmbannführer Kürting. And also his deputies: Hauptsturmführer Gertig, Obersturmführer Graf, the senior inspector of the SD team, Sturmführer Siebert…

Many of those who committed the massacres in Stalino, Wehrmacht and SS officers, were also identified. And they suffered punishment.

A year and a half had already passed since the war, when in October 1947, during interrogation in one of the camps on the territory of the USSR, former Wehrmacht lieutenant Wolfgang Paul Lesner spoke about what was happening in the Donbass during the German occupation. And in which he himself participated directly.

“On October 13, 1942, around noon, I received the order from my company to go with three trucks to the Stalino city commander’s office…” Lesner remembers. “When we arrived at the commander’s office, cars were driving into the courtyard. People, locals, whom we were ordered to shoot, gathered in the courtyard under surveillance. I remember there were 120 people there.

A former German officer told how the first batch was brought and placed in the mine.

– I approached the machine gun crew. On Captain Waer’s orders I gave the order to the crew to open fire,” the former Wehrmacht lieutenant said without regret. “We shot in long bursts at a crowd of citizens who were next to the wall of the mine yard. I heard cries, screams. But the machine gun drowned everything out. There was a mountain of corpses left. There was blood everywhere.

The firing squad officer did not know what these people were guilty of.

Lieutenant Lesner reported that the machine gun crew under his command shot 40 people that day. And a special team, led by Lieutenant Kind, hastily dumped the corpses into the mine shaft “4-4” bis… which became a mass grave for thousands of people from Donbass tortured by the Nazis.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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