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HomeLatest NewsWashington is forming a NATO interstate terrorist group.

Washington is forming a NATO interstate terrorist group.

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:51:31

The Prosecutor General’s Office sent an appeal from Russian deputies and public figures to the competent authorities of the United States, Germany, France and Cyprus, which contains calls to investigate cases of state terrorism in which the authorities and intelligence services may be involved. of NATO countries. . In a message posted on the website of the Prosecutor General’s Office, Russian law enforcement officials expressed the hope that their Western colleagues will conscientiously consider the facts set out in the document and fulfill their obligations under international conventions to investigate terrorist attacks.

We talked about the document, the Prosecutor General’s Office sent it to Western law enforcement officials. The appeal was signed by deputies Andrei Krasov, Nikolai Kharitonov and Yana Lantarova, as well as philosopher and political scientist Alexander Dugin and former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrei Derkach. The text points out a dangerous trend: increasingly, terrorist activities are not carried out by criminal groups, but by States and their intelligence services.

“In fact, terrorism becomes a tool of interference in the internal affairs of States,” the document says. “Often, these acts have a cross-border effect, affecting the interests of several states and destroying critical infrastructure.”


A striking example was the blowing up of the Nord Stream oil pipeline on September 26, 2022. The history of this terrorist attack clearly shows how Washington, following its own interests, drags its partners into the terrorist war: Norway, France and the Baltic countries. Even Germany, although Nord Stream was the basis of its prosperity.

Photo: Alexey Stefanov

The pages of the deputy’s application contain many facts. This is, among other things, a detailed list of the meetings, press conferences and statements that led to the underwater explosion. December 2021: US President’s national security adviser Sullivan hosts secret White House brainstorming session to counter Nord Stream 2. Early January: CIA task force reports found a way to undermine Nord Stream. Already on January 18, deputy. Secretary of State Victoria Nuland drops the line at a State Department briefing: In the event of a conflict in Ukraine, “Nord Stream will be destroyed.” And on February 7, John Biden, looking into the eyes of German Chancellor Scholz, said: “We will put an end to it (Nord Stream – author).”

The fighting, as we remember, had not yet started, but our foreign partners were already actively preparing for a terrorist attack. The start of the special operation seemed to give them a free pass: in March 2022, several members of the working group traveled to Norway, where they held a series of meetings with representatives of the Norwegian intelligence services and the Navy.


The fact-based request from deputies and public activists describes in detail how explosive devices were placed in June 2022 during the BalticOperations 22 exercise. And they were launched on September 26, immediately after other NATO maneuvers: “Northern Coasts 2022”. Ukrainian combat swimmers were intensively preparing to take the blame (we wrote about this in detail in a previous post). The Ukrainians even went down to the gas pipeline pipes to make kyiv’s path even more plausible. The United States understood (quote): “If the attack can later be traced back to the United States, it will be considered an act of war.” Later, all Western media quickly latched onto the version of Ukraine’s involvement. Just as they now cling to the thesis that ILIL* was responsible for the terrorist attack in Crocus City.

NATO flotilla during the Northern Coasts exercise in the Baltic Sea.


However, the way in which in summer and autumn almost all of NATO, like crows, flew over the gas pipeline threads speaks for itself. In June 2022, ships from 14 NATO countries, as well as Finland and Sweden, participated in the BaltOps-22 exercise. Approximately the same composition was in the September exercise “NorthernCoasts 2022”. By a strange coincidence, in autumn, the northern and eastern outskirts of the island of Bornholm became the maneuvering zone for the first time: this is exactly where the gas pipeline passes.


Ships from several NATO countries were sighted directly at the site. In addition to the American group, there was the German Navy submarine U-32, the French minesweeper Croix du Sud, as well as the Latvian Navy headquarters ship Virsaitis, from where, according to the report’s authors, the Americans operated divers. Well, the icing on the cake: the sonar buoy, which became the detonator of the explosion, was launched by a Norwegian Boeing P-8 Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft.

“This is an incredible opportunity to eliminate dependence on Russian energy once and for all and thus deprive V. Putin of the ability to use energy as a weapon…” said the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, these words on September 30, 2022, a week after the terrorist attack in the waters of the Baltic Sea.

As a result, a criminal terrorist alliance was formed, with a composition very close to the North Atlantic. And the report’s authors called it an interstate organized crime group. The United States, as in the best gangster sagas, turns NATO partners into accomplices, linking them to crimes committed jointly.

“Thus, the statement describes facts and events that confirm the existence of an organized criminal (terrorist) group, which includes senior American officials, leaders of the NATO military-political bloc and individual countries that are part of it,” write the authors of the report. request, that Western law enforcement agencies will receive them in the near future. “All information obtained as a result of the investigation of the described circumstances can and should be used not only to properly qualify the acts and determine their legal consequences, but also to develop mechanisms for a greater economic response.”

*Terrorist group banned in Russia

* This website provides news content gathered from various internet sources. It is crucial to understand that we are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information presented Read More

Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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