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How to laugh at the powerful in a country of quarrels and Broncanos

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:27:15

The question is clear and simple: What has Pablo Motos done to Pedro Sánchez for him to order a furious attack by land, sea and air, but above all from RTVE, against the ‘tamer’ of the Antena-3 ants ? ? Sánchez doesn’t give a damn, I repeat, a damn, that society can see and verify that a Prime Minister is angry with a communications professional and gets angry. That is the most worrying thing, that the most powerful man in Spain points his finger at another citizen, even if he is a journalist and sometimes criticizes him in front of the cameras. What does Sánchez want, on top of governing at his whim and free will, for the Spanish to worship him as if he were Shiva, the god who destroys and renews the universe?

It is not the first time this has happened, but it is the first time that Moncloa’s murky intentions have been staged in such a clear way. I imagine that there will be a few presidents of Government, if not all of them, who at some point in their political career have found the opinions of the media unfair, and I am not saying that they have not put pressure in some way, but they have never gone this far. in the persecution and in the decision of his orders to punish the offenses of a media “jester”.

Without going any further, in the PP legislatures the Great Wyoming -José Miguel Monzón- from his ‘Intermedio’ in La Sexta beat Mariano Rajoy even in the soup. It is true that now Wyoming has changed, the sticks are no longer given to the Government, they are given almost exclusively to the opposition; Sánchez is given some well-massaged massages and the occasional nun’s pinch, so that it is not so noticeable that one likes humor against the powerful, but as long as the powerful person does not have the same ideology as you, in the case of the aforementioned “Intermediate.” ” “

Now, what Greater Wyoming likes is to give Núñez Feijóo a hard time because he bothers Sánchez with his questions, and then we enter the casuistry of comedians associated with the regime who attack only when it suits them or when Ferraz asks them to do so. . . Something very sad for such a worthy profession, that of making you laugh by laughing at everything and everyone; But mainly, let’s not forget, you have to laugh at the powerful, as long as you have the courage to do so, since the powerful is the one who normally laughs at all of us.

Perhaps it is all due to a problem of special risque egocentrism. Perhaps there is too much narcissism in the life of a politician who should be accustomed to criticism and disqualification from the press, as if it were his daily bread. It is abusive that in addition to having so much power, a Prime Minister wants everyone to speak well of him. If one cannot achieve this even in his own house, how to achieve it while sitting in the Moncloa.

I say that it is not normal, not even a little, that the highest ruler of the country is so outraged because in a television program, ‘El hormiguero’, from time to time they also give him nun pinches and criticize his multiple political errors, which like every human being who appreciates himself, has them, even in excess, although he does not see them in the mirror.

The day I found out that Sánchez was willing to pay a fortune -28 million euros for two years- and hire David Broncano to go to TVE and overshadow Pablo Motos, I said to myself: it can’t be, Sánchez is not crazy enough or stupid enough to get into those messes that never bring anything good, nor anything new, and that the only thing they do is sully the dignity of a Prime Minister willing to flout all the rules for his own sake, and In this way, he agrees with his detractors for his excess of television and political interventionism. But no, I was wrong.

And the question has its intricacies. Sánchez doesn’t just want to break those rules. Rather, he remains committed to building them, to building his famous ‘wall’ of good and bad, of followers and opponents, marking the territories where to place the damned recommended ones who speak ill of him. If you see ‘El hormiguero’ you are a bad citizen and you will go to the hell of the ‘fachosphere’; If, on the other hand, you are from Broncano, give me your hand, and I will name you marquis of the ‘progresphere’ or of progress, even if both things are nonsense.

What can be done in the face of such a difficult situation that does not allow us to even control the TV without feeling guilty and the president looking at us with a bad face? In summary accounts. Sánchez’s objective, make no mistake, is not to improve the lives of Spaniards but to improve his deteriorated image and his controversial stay in power. For that you need a lot of TV and not a little fabric, but he doesn’t pay for the latter, we pay for it, you. We will continue to watch Broncano now on TVE so we can continue to make good progress even if some say that we are ‘idiots’ for following the dictates of the Government.

By the way, just a couple of facts to conclude and that all this does not seem like an idea from Pedro Sánchez. The addition of taxes, contributions, new collection figures and the disappearance of VAT reductions and other aid such as gasoline, place Spaniards as the Europeans with the highest tax increases. The official European statistics service confirmed last week that in Spain in the last 5 years the tax pressure has risen 30 times more than the European Union average. Well, nothing, just keep paying as if there were no tomorrow.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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