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Irritability, headache and severe weakness: Rospotrebnadzor told about the symptoms of heat and sunstroke

Date: July 2, 2024 Time: 22:56:25

The heat we have been waiting for has arrived! But not in such quantities: in the coming days, meteorologists promise us warm temperatures of 30 degrees.

And in such weather, Rospotrebnadzor experts point out, not even a hat will save you from possible sunstroke. But in addition to heatstroke, when rays fall directly on the head, heatstroke also occurs, when you feel bad from the heat, for example, in a stuffy room.

And some are more susceptible to heat stroke. This:

– Overweight people,

– those who have previously suffered heat stroke,

– those who sleep little and poorly,

– those who recently moved from the cool north climate directly to our warmth.

And, of course, those who find themselves in hot and stuffy rooms, especially if they wear inappropriate clothing, too thick and warm.

Those taking medications that can contribute to heat stroke should be especially careful in the heat: antihistamines, medications for high blood pressure and swelling, laxatives, medications for Parkinson’s disease, antidepressants.

Curiously, the symptoms of heat stroke and heat stroke are different.


1. Mild heatstroke: intense thirst, weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, and sometimes vomiting.

2. Medium level: a state of stupefaction, loose gait (uncoordinated movements) and high temperature are added.

3. Severe degree: If the sun shines strongly and for a long time, a person may experience convulsions, delirium, loss of consciousness and even death is possible…


1. Heatstroke of the first degree is manifested primarily by increased lethargy and headache, drowsiness, feeling of heat, thirst, and the skin may become hot. Sometimes a person feels tormented by the inability to breathe, a feeling of tightness in the chest.

2. In the second degree, the symptoms increase: the headache intensifies, ringing in the ears, it is difficult for a person to raise his arms or legs, nausea increases, and vomiting is possible. The temperature begins to rise, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) – the body stops coping with overheating.

3. With the third degree of severity, the skin color changes: it becomes bluish or marble white, fainting, convulsions and delirium are possible, the pulse is threadlike.


If a blow is mild, it is important to move to a cool room and undress. If possible, take a shower, but not cold! And a little cold: 35-37 degrees. If you cannot take a shower, wipe the backs of your hands with cold water and wash your face. You can put cold compresses on your forehead, chest, hands and calves. Drink water to which you can add salt (a teaspoon per liter).

If symptoms are severe, take the victim to a cool place, don’t risk it! Call an ambulance.


Heat stroke is especially dangerous for babies; a baby can easily suffer from it even while in the shade in a stroller. Pay attention if the baby has become capricious, lethargic, or has dilated pupils; Even with a slight degree of sunstroke, it is very dangerous. Do not walk with your child during the hottest hours, from 12 to 16 hours. And when walking, try to stay in the shade.


– Do not wear dark and tight clothing, wear light and light clothing.

– Do not drink beer; instead, light fermented milk drinks or unsweetened kvass. But plain water is better: at least 2-2.5 liters per day.

– Do not walk in the heat, and if necessary, use sunscreen and umbrellas.

– Do not eat fatty or fried foods. Ideally, vegetables, fruits, cold soups (by the way, do you like okroshka made with kvass or kefir?)

– Do not play sports in the heat (only when the temperature drops to at least +25).

– Well, the most important thing is not to be nervous! “Try to keep emotional calm, as any overexcitement increases the risk of heatstroke and sunstroke,” Rospotrebnadzor notes.

– If possible, take cold showers several times a day. Or wash your arms, shoulders and forehead with cold water.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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