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From bar to chocolate: scientifically proven ways to normalize blood pressure without pills

Date: September 18, 2024 Time: 08:55:21

Starting at age 35-40, cardiologists recommend measuring blood pressure at least once a year.

Photo: Shutterstock.

Remember: when was the last time you measured your blood pressure? Starting from the age of 35-40, cardiologists recommend doing it at least once a year. There is no need to buy a blood pressure monitor – you can now use it for free at health centres, MFCs (in some regions) and many pharmacies. Or at any appointment with a GP. Doctors stress that the blood pressure indicator is one of the most important “health numbers” and is used to predict the chances of longevity.

We remind you: 120/80 mm Hg is considered optimal. There is also the term “high normal pressure”: 130-139 mm Hg. Art. systolic (upper), 85-89 mm Hg. Art. diastolic (lower). In this case, it is already worth worrying about changing your lifestyle. If the indicators reach 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and above, it is necessary to consult a doctor. But! This does not mean that you will definitely be prescribed pills right away. A smart doctor must compare several factors and assess the risks, cardiologist professor, doctor of medical sciences and director of the Institute of Personalized Cardiology at Sechenov University Philip Kopylov told KP. And only after that a decision is made: to prescribe drugs for hypertension or to try other methods first. Yes, yes, science and medicine recognize that in some cases it is possible to normalize blood pressure without resorting to drugs. Professor Kopylov listed the main criteria:

1. It is necessary to find out whether the patient has at least one of the three main risk factors: damage to the heart and blood vessels (appropriate tests are prescribed by a cardiologist), diabetes mellitus, obesity. If so, then you cannot do without taking pills for hypertension.

2. We look at the blood pressure indicators. “With a moderately elevated level – up to 150-159 above and up to 99 below – in the absence of risk factors (see point 1), drug therapy, as a rule, is not recommended immediately,” the cardiologist explains.

What should you do? “First of all, it is recommended to change your lifestyle within 3-4 months. Research and practice show that this can lead to normalization of blood pressure without the need for medication,” says Professor Kopylov. If the situation does not change, pills are selected for the patient. However, even after their prescription, non-pharmacological methods of lowering blood pressure will not be superfluous. Firstly, they are generally good for health and strengthen the body. Secondly, thanks to these measures, the effectiveness of drugs increases and their dosage can be reduced.


Based on scientific research and clinical recommendations for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, cardiologists identify seven main non-pharmacological methods for normalizing blood pressure.

Let us emphasize once again: if the patient has risk factors or blood pressure indicators are already too high (see above), the listed measures do not cancel taking medications!

1. Get rid of excess weight.

“Blood pressure can decrease by an average of 1 mm Hg. Art. with every kilogram of excess weight lost,” explains cardiologist and candidate of medical sciences Irina Vasilyeva on her Telegram channel “Doctor’s Diary.” In general, obese people can achieve a reduction in systolic (upper) pressure by 5 to 20 mm Hg. Art. by losing weight for every 10 kg, the expert explains.

2. Add reasonable physical activity.

“According to modern international standards, it is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week, or at least 30 minutes five days a week,” says Professor Kopylov. – Optimally: 40-60 minutes every day. The safest type of physical activity is cardio walking, i.e. at the fastest possible pace, but so that there is no difficulty breathing.

“Regular aerobic exercise can reduce high blood pressure by 5-8 mmHg. Art,” adds Dr. Vasilyeva. Examples of such activities: walking, running, cycling, swimming, dancing, aerobics. Strength training can also help normalize blood pressure. It is recommended to practice them at least twice a week, after consulting with your doctor: which ones are best for you and if there are any contraindications.

By the way, the plank and the SEAL work well. A team of scientists from the University of Leicester and the University of Canterbury (UK) analyzed data from 270 studies conducted around the world between 1990 and 2023, in which more than 15 thousand volunteers participated. Experts have found that the greatest effect in normalizing blood pressure can be achieved by so-called static exercises. “This could be squats against a wall (the back rests on it), leg raises in a lying or sitting position, or a plank. Even a simple calf raise with maximum tension on the calf muscles. I also recommend the “Navy Seal” exercise: lie on your stomach and lean back, raising your legs and upper torso with your arms behind you,” the head of the Center for Cardiology and Therapy, cardiologist, Ph.D. Konstantin Ivanov, told KP.

From the editor: The plank has many contraindications; other static exercises are not suitable for everyone either. Doctors admit that the safest and most universal type of physical exercise is cardio walking (see above).

3. Limit salt.

Try to reduce your intake to 5 g per day. Do not add salt when preparing dishes, do not add salt to food in a cafeteria. You can enhance the flavor with pepper, lemon juice and herbs.

By limiting salt, one can achieve a reduction in blood pressure of 2 to 8 mm Hg, and in combination with an overall healthier diet, up to 11 mm Hg, Irina Vasilyeva cites scientific data.

4. Do not abuse alcohol

Studies show that blood pressure decreases by an average of 4 mm Hg if you completely give up alcohol or reduce your consumption to one glass of dry wine or one glass of strong drink a day. The best option is to stop drinking altogether, as alcohol is harmful to health in any case, the WHO and the Russian Ministry of Health note.

5. Quit smoking.

“As a result of a 20-year struggle against smoking, for example in the UK, an effect equivalent to all medical achievements in the field of treatment of cardiovascular diseases has been achieved,” says Professor Kopylov. – Quitting smoking is one of the most effective measures to save the heart and blood vessels.

6. We rely on healthy products

Science has proven that the healthiest foods for normalizing blood pressure are vegetables, fruits, whole grain products (cereals, cereals), sea fish and dairy products.

Potassium contributes most significantly to lowering blood pressure with prolonged consumption of foods rich in it. There is a lot of this element in dried apricots, bananas, baked potatoes, beans, pumpkin, spinach, plantains and nuts.


In one experiment, scientists found that blood pressure dropped after taking capsules with crushed chocolate (flavonoids from cocoa seeds). This effect lasts an average of about 3 hours. Doctors believe that it is beneficial to eat 20 to 30 grams of chocolate a day, which is equivalent to two or three squares of a chocolate bar. Or a cup of cocoa or hot chocolate.

7. Reduce stress and improve sleep.

Chronic stress has been shown to increase blood pressure. There are many ways to deal with anxiety, from special psychotherapeutic techniques to taking medications prescribed by a doctor. The main thing is not to try to endure it, making the problem worse, but to work on solving it.

By the way, stress is the most common cause of sleep disorders, which also contribute to increased blood pressure. So, by reducing anxiety, you will kill two birds with one stone.

Don’t believe it: it won’t help you lower your blood pressure

There are now many tricks on the Internet and social networks that supposedly help reduce blood pressure without medication. But it is important to separate the wheat from the chaff. We have provided scientifically proven methods. In addition, cardiologist Irina Vasilyeva on her channel “Doctor’s Diary” listed methods that do not work and may even be harmful:

– miraculous gymnastics for the neck;

– dietary supplements;

– vitamins and superfoods (such as goji berries);

– hot foot baths.

“Let me also remind you that currently hormone replacement therapy is not prescribed for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases for either men or women,” stresses the expert in evidence-based medicine.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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