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HomeLatest NewsHouses and walls help. Are there perspectives for family education? - russian...

Houses and walls help. Are there perspectives for family education? – russian newspaper

Date: October 9, 2024 Time: 20:18:27

A joint meeting of the regional Public Chamber’s commission on social policy and the working group on family education issues of the European Parliament of the Ulyanovsk region took place in Ulyanovsk. The RG correspondent learned about their materials, as well as the opinions of teachers and parents.

And we won’t go to school

Before 1918, family education in Russia was common, but during the Soviet period everyone had to attend school. The revival of the abolished institute took place already in 1992, which was confirmed in 2012 by the new federal law “On education in the Russian Federation”. It establishes that a child receiving education in a family has the right to undergo intermediate certifications in an educational institution and must also pass the state final certification: the Unified State Exam in the 9th grade and the Unified State Exam in the 11th grade. .

Are there perspectives for family education? Lyudmila Tabakova, a teacher of social sciences at the Ulyanovsk Aviation School, expressed her opinion to the RG correspondent:

“There are certainly perspectives. Especially if our middle class starts to grow quantitatively, there will be more people who can afford it. Today a feeling of collectivism is no longer implanted in society, but individualism is emphasized. Rural villages are growing. The process, it seems, is in the initial phase, but everything will develop.”

According to parents, a qualitative leap in this matter occurred during the pandemic, when schoolchildren switched to “distance education” and people saw that refusing to attend school in person was not so terrible.

Statistics: neither worse nor better

However, CO has not yet become a mass phenomenon in the Ulyanovsk region. In the region there are about 1,500 children who study in families with the help of parents, hired teachers and online programs. The statistics were announced by the deputy director of the department of general and additional education of the regional Ministry of Education and Education, Lyudmila Yudina. This year, 105 “family” graduates passed the Unified State Exam. The results largely coincided with the regional average.

“In Russian, chemistry, biology, history and basic mathematics, the average score was below the regional average. The lowest was in history – 50. In the rest, the gap was small, from 5 to 9 points. In mathematics and specialized literature, the score was at the regional level, in physics and English (there are no 100 points among the students in the family, but 16 people turned out to have high scores), they obtained more than 80 points. There were no critical results, but neither. high scores, in principle the results are adequate,” said the official.

As for the OGE, based on the results of nine years of study, out of 57 students in the SB, two received grades “D” in social studies and did not receive certificates. In all other subjects the results are positive. Not all parents of ninth graders could be reached by phone.

And how is it possible that there is no control?

“Unfortunately, unlike grade 11, parents of ninth graders do not fully understand the timing and importance of passing the exam. It is necessary to carry out explanatory work; parents don’t know that they have to apply on time, apply for the exam. school, conduct an interview and include the child in the regional database. So far the problem has not been resolved,” Lyudmila Yudina assessed the current situation.

The desire to “refine” SD issues on the part of school education officials is constantly demonstrated. This mainly means greater control over the learning process by the authorities.

How often should school teachers assess students’ knowledge of OC? The RG correspondent addressed this question to the director of the Governor’s Lyceum No. 100, Vladimir Oblasov.

“It is known that in our country “everyone can teach and heal.” I don’t quite understand how a person who has no pedagogical training can teach independently. “I am in favor of traditional teaching,” said the interlocutor.

Regarding the regularity of third-party monitoring of CO students, Vladimir Oblasov believes that such “measurements” should be carried out at least once every six months.

“What if a parent simply prevents the child from receiving an education? So that the State, represented by the school, understands in time that something is wrong… In any case, we must see the child,” he is sure.

However, there were also more radical opinions. Alexei Kurinny, member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from Ulyanovsk, some time ago promoted in parliament a bill that provided for intermediate certification for “family members” four times a year. But after a heated argument with parents, the bill was withdrawn. The deputy admitted that he did not have all the information on the subject.

Your route

When children go to family education, they do not copy the school curriculum. For example, the 12-year-old son of Elena Erofeeva (a mother who participated in the OP meeting) has already studied social studies for the 6th grade since the beginning of the school year and is going to do it now. He is finishing his studies in Russian and literature, which he intends to pass in November. He then plans to move on to study mathematics. At the end of the school year history, geography and biology will be taken. And throughout the year only English is taught, because you have to practice it.

“And almost all family members have these individual routes,” says Elena, “if we are presented with mandatory certification in all disciplines four times a year, we will waste our valuable time, which we spend on additional sources, on studying literature. at home we choose which: another program, we use a lot of additional literature that school teachers simply cannot get their hands on. We will lose time and, consequently, the quality of our education will decrease.”

Elena adds that her son, once he has passed the certification, does not forget the subject studied, as children usually do during summer vacations. Writing correctly is necessary for taking notes, counting when going to the store, and reading for him is just a hobby.

In July, “family members” also saw an attack on their rights when they sent letters from the education department of the Ulyanovsk administration demanding to indicate where the children would be certified. Then the parents expressed their position: the OGE and the Unified State Exam are an obligation, but annual certification is a right. You can use it or you can say, “Thanks, no need!” And you don’t even have to inform your choice. The refusal involved a promise by officials to appeal to the youth affairs commission.

Why are you drawn to the house?

How and why do parents transfer their children to family education? Tatyana K. tells her story: “My son has been in family education for four years. He didn’t go to school or kindergarten. He gets tired quickly. If I had gone to school, I wouldn’t have had time to go. To any club, but now learn about school topics, attend an art studio and much more. “He has friends with the same children in family education.”

Tatyana learned about the possibility of organizing an SO through a series of programs with Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov on the Spas TV channel. I found experienced “family people” on the Internet. I liked the idea.

“During family education, we ourselves can choose the textbooks that we think are most appropriate for the child. In our home, for example, Soviet textbooks, adapted to our time, are also popular. It is being republished now,” Tatyana said.

As for intermediate certification, RG’s interlocutor prefers to take it in schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

The situation is different for Elena Erofeeva. “I have three children, the oldest is 12 years old, he studies in a family education modality. The middle child is 10 years old and studies in a comprehensive school, the youngest will soon turn seven. go to school, but we’ll see,” he says.

Everything is simple here. The eldest son is significantly ahead of his peers in terms of development. They suggested going straight to second grade. But what will it be like for a first grader to live among older children? But the middle one has confidently joined the school community, has made friends and is not going to abandon the educational program. So everything is very individual.

Many parents choose to homeschool because of bullying. They take the child out of the toxic environment, find tutors, an online platform, and the children study calmly and successfully.

By the way

Most parents believe that the main reason for transferring their children to family education is the greatly reduced quality of school education in recent years.

The forms of family education are different. There is also this option: “relatives” get together, hire a teacher for a group of children, rent a room together and organize a family class. Every year the phenomenon takes on increasingly clearer outlines.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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