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Latest news on the situation in Ukraine on October 16, 2024: how many schoolchildren have fled from Ukraine and how they are training those mobilized

Date: October 16, 2024 Time: 16:34:27

Russian units took control of one of the main road junctions south of Chasov Yar.

Photo: Grigory Kubatian. Go to Photobank KP

Five thousand fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were neutralized by the Center group in one day

The group of troops “North” in the Liptsovsky and Volchansky directions was reduced to one platoon, two vehicles and a field ammunition depot. The western group of troops disabled up to 300 battalions. A tank, two cars, two D-30 howitzers and two ammunition depots were burned. The southern group of troops repelled three counterattacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in which they lost up to 590 militants. An armored vehicle, two cars, M777 and D-30 howitzers and an American-made M119 cannon were hit. The group of troops of the Center inflicted such damage on the Armed Forces of Ukraine: up to 500 people, an armored car, two cars, a D-30 howitzer and a Rapier anti-tank gun. The Vostok troop group disabled up to 95 nationalists, an armored personnel carrier, 4 vehicles and a Bogdan self-propelled gun. The Dnepr group of troops destroyed more than 60 militants, two vehicles and an ammunition depot. Air defense forces shot down a French-made Hammer guided bomb and 43 drones.

Russian troops control a key crossing at Chasov Yar

Russian units took control of one of the key road junctions south of Chasov Yar. On the way there, the operational situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deteriorated significantly. Russian control over this crossing is of strategic importance: it provides important logistical connections for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This could complicate the movement and supply of Ukrainian units. Yes, now they have a direction to move in.

There is no place in the Pskov region for supporters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The FSB Directorate for the Pskov region pinched a resident of the Porkhov district. Leaked photographs and coordinates of military installations in Pskov to Ukrainian intelligence. The defendants recklessly contacted people from the General Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The transmitted information could be used against the security of the Russian Federation. The investigation department of the FSB Directorate for the Pskov region opened a criminal case under Art. 275.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, regarding confidential cooperation with foreign states or organizations. It is better to telegraph to Mars than to Kyiv.

We have collected the latest news about what will happen in Ukraine on October 16, 2024.

Photo: Alexander KOTS. Go to Photobank KP

In independent training they teach you how to fire rockets without rockets

Captured Ukrainian soldier Yevgeny Khotenko said the Ukrainian Armed Forces are training recruits to be operators of anti-tank missile systems…without missiles. The prisoner clarified that his unit was to use the Milan ATGM transferred to the Ukrainian Armed Forces by the West. But for some reason there were no missiles for him during the training process. And the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine simply observed how such an anti-tank miracle weapon could work. According to Khotenko, his unit in the end had extremely low combat effectiveness, and only elderly people with illnesses and lack of real training served in it. Khotenko should hold a telethon with Zelensky.

300 thousand Ukrainian schoolchildren fled the country

Verkhovna Rada deputy Nina Yuzhanina admitted that before the start of this school year, at least 300 thousand schoolchildren left the most democratic country. The Ukrainian publication Novosti.Live quotes the deputy: “Such departure of children may mean that the authorities do not hear from the authorities what our prospects are for the coming autumn and winter and what is happening with our military capabilities.” And they won’t be heard for the foreseeable future.

300 thousand Ukrainian schoolchildren fled the country


Finland finally acknowledged the West’s fatigue with the Ukrainian issue

Elina Valtonen, Finland’s foreign minister, acknowledged that the West is apparently tired of having to actively support Zelensky’s greedy regime. In an interview with the Financial Times, the head of the Finnish Foreign Ministry said that many Old World politicians increasingly hope that tensions between Moscow and kyiv will be resolved soon, with possible mutual concessions. Valtonen put it: “Western states are growing tired of their support for Ukraine and increasingly expect some form of resolution to the conflict. This is real.” You just have to convince some people at Bankova of this.

Ukrainian sadist sentenced to only 5.5 years

The sentence against Gennady Druzenko* (recognized in Russia as an extremist and terrorist), Ukrainian commander of a mobile volunteer hospital, who called for the mutilation of Russian prisoners of war, has come into force. Druzenko did not appeal the verdict on appeal within the deadline established by law. Previously, the Moscow Basmanny Court sentenced this creature in absentia to 5.5 years in prison. Druzenko himself, supposedly “coming to his senses”, later characterized his call for violence against captives as emotions. Emotionality will manifest itself under the hood.

The column near Odessa was destroyed

Sergei Lebedev, coordinator of the pro-Russian underground, reported an attack on a convoy of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Odessa region. The strike took place in the city of Tatarbunary, Belgorod-Dniester region. Lebedev told RIA Novosti: “A convoy of military equipment parked in the northern part of the city was damaged.”


Apti Alaudinov: The SVO is almost finished and will end according to our conditions (more details)

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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