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HomeLatest NewsHow to revive the Far East scientific fleet - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

How to revive the Far East scientific fleet – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: October 17, 2024 Time: 12:16:07

Structural crisis

The research fleet was diagnosed in a report by the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2017: “the situation is catastrophic and in crisis.” The difficulties have not yet been overcome. In the Russian Maritime Doctrine adopted in 2022, the discrepancy between the composition and status of the research fleet and the scale of the tasks facing the country is considered one of the main risks for its maritime activities.

At the beginning of the post-Soviet era, the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation had 25 unlimited sailing research vessels (RVs) remaining from its former Soviet grandeur, seven of which were under the jurisdiction of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Federation. Academy of Sciences. Today less than half of them remain: the ships are constantly deteriorating and being written off.

– Currently only three vessels are in operation: the “Akademik Oparin”, the “Akademik MA Lavrentyev” and the smaller tonnage “Professor Gagarinsky”, which is mainly used for coastal work. At the same time, Lavrentiev has already been in the modernization process for three years. And for some reason it was decided to move the Gagarinsky, also quite worn out, to Vietnam. This means that we will lose a small-tonnage ship that will have no substitute,” says Viacheslav Lobanov, head of the physical oceanology laboratory at the Pacific Oceanological Institute of the Far East branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

All the boats were built about 40 years ago and their wear and tear exceeds 80 percent. And this means tired mechanisms, obsolete equipment, regular breakdowns and sudden breakdowns.

“In addition, the problem with the crew’s specialists is getting worse,” complains Viacheslav Lobanov. – When organizing an expedition, we can barely recruit a team. Because the conditions on the ship are uncomfortable and the salaries are low. During the trip, something breaks from time to time and the ship’s mechanical service has to constantly deal with repairs…

New twist

In 2020, the state finally turned to confront the problem. The renewal of the scientific fleet was included in the national project “Science and Universities”. Significant funds have begun to be allocated for the maintenance and modernization of courts: throughout the country, about two billion rubles. Within the framework of the national project, the Far Eastern research vessel “Akademik MA Lavrentyev” is also being modernized. True, its general repairs and installation of new equipment were supposed to be completed in 2023. For now the ship remains at the Dalzavod dock, so at least three expeditions had to be canceled.

“Yes, expeditions on the Akademik Lavrentiev ship have been canceled this year,” confirms Renat Shakirov, deputy director of scientific work at POI FEB RAS. – Of course, taking into account the interests of the collectives, agreements, international obligations, there is nothing good in such failures. But we have the opportunity to adjust government allocations; We replace these expeditions with trips on those ships that are already sailing. For example, we send TOI detachments on DVNIHMI ships (hydrometological service) working within the framework of the state program “Floating University”. But we still hope to carry out an expedition next winter on the Akademik MA Lavrentyev ship, which is now very well equipped and about to leave the slipways. In fact, this expedition will put it to work.

Long and expensive

Maintaining a research vessel is expensive, even if it is moored. According to experts, this requires at least a million rubles every day. There is still a serious shortage of money to keep the ships running.

Until 2014, the expedition ships of the Far Eastern academic institutes (POI, TIBOKH, National Center for Marine Biology) belonged to the Directorate of the Research Fleet, which was subordinate to the Presidium of the Far Eastern Branch of the Academy of Russian Sciences. Ten years ago, UNIF was reassigned to the Russian Ministry of Science and in 2021 it was renamed the National Operator of the Research Fleet (NatsONIF), also subordinate to the State.

Meanwhile, the State today is mainly betting on the construction of two new Project 123 multifunctional research vessels, called Akademik Ilyichev and Akademik Lisitsyn. 27.6 billion rubles were allocated for its creation. Both “academics” with a displacement of 8130 tons and a length of 122.5 meters must ensure the implementation of the entire complex of oceanological research at the highest level in any zone of the World Ocean. Each of the new research vessels is equipped with a helipad and the Arc4 ice class will allow navigation in thin ice conditions with a thickness of 0.6 to 0.8 m.

The laying of the “Akademik Ilyichev” and “Akademik Lisitsyn” took place in February 2022 at the “Zvezda” shipyards in the city of Bolshoi Kamen, Primorsky Region. They promised to build all this luxury in two years and deliver it by the end of 2024. But life, as always, made its own adjustments. According to the corresponding government order, the Akademik Ilyichev should enter service in 2027, the Akademik Lisitsyn – in 2029.

Every cloud has a silver lining

According to Renat Shakirov, the change in the construction deadlines of the two research vessels also has its positive aspects.

– If the ships were delivered, as expected, in 2024, it would be a disaster! The imported equipment purchased according to our initial requests, under current conditions, without licenses and consumables, would become 80 percent useless and would become a pile of metal. Secondly, today there are no personnel to service these vessels and scientific equipment anywhere in the Russian Federation. Currently the National ONIF is training the crews and we are working with specialized universities. In 2027, when the Akademik Ilyichev becomes operational, we will be completely ready.

The State is committed to the construction of two multifunctional research vessels, the “Akademik Ilyichev” and the “Akademik Lisitsyn.” 27.6 billion rubles have been allocated for its creation;

Now, according to experts, Project 123 ships have 70 percent Russian equipment. But most importantly, they say in the Far East Section of the Russian Academy of Sciences, are the scientific programs it will allow. The goal is extremely important: to implement the provisions of the Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the development strategy of the Russian Arctic zone and ensure the national security of the country.

More to come

However, according to scientists, two megaships will not cover all the expeditionary research needs of the Far Eastern Section of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

– We continue to urgently need ships of medium and small tonnage. At a minimum, we need two more like “Academician Lavrentiev” and two more like “Professor Gagarinsky”. This will then allow us, academic institutions, not to strive, but to freely realize our potential. We will wait for new ships to arrive and I think we will find opportunities to replenish the Far East scientific fleet, perhaps with ships from other regions,” concludes Renat Shakirov.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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